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"Kara, I think I need to tell you what really happened..." Hobi said holding on to her hand. He needed someone to tell, someone he trusts and who will be honest with him. Though he promised Jungkook's mom he'd never tell anyone, he just needed to let it out.

"Jungkook was in a car accident with her girlfriend. Hana. That night, we all looked for her while Jungkook was sent to the hospital. The search went on for days until they finally declared her dead. Jungkook was unconscious that time and when he woke up he refused to believe Hana was gone."

"Oh god... I can't imagine how it must've been to wake up without her." Kara said.

"Jungkook made it his mission to look for her. He couldn't just let her go like that but when Hana's family asked him to let her go, he felt like they were giving up on her so easily. One thing led to another and Hana's family started pointing the blame on him. That if it weren't for him Hana would still be alive."

"That made Jungkook blame himself. One day he just refused to see anyone. Didn't eat or sleep. He just became numb. Then he took his dad's car and crashed it. We're not really sure if he did it deliberately but after seeing a note on his desk admitting that he wanted to take his own life, his parents broke down."

"He was badly hurt that time and was unconscious for more than a month. He looked so pale and lifeless. When he finally opened his eyes, he couldn't even remember his name. That's when his parents decided to erase his past because if he remembers Hana, they're afraid he'd do it again, harm himself and worse, succeed."

"So, is he back regaining his memory? Is that why they're so worried? That if Jungkook remembers everything about Hana, he'd harm himself again?" Kara asked.

"Yes but more importantly, he's been told so many lies. I'm not sure if I can ever forgive anyone who's lied to my face the way we did it on him. I would understand if he shuts me off after knowing the entire truth."

"What lies are you talking about?" Kara said.

"Everything about Jungkook now is fabricated by his parents and some friends like me. We all turned him into something else, almost the exact opposite of who he was. They even transferred to this new town."

"You mean he doesn't remember anything from the past, anything at all? I thought he was getting treatment? Didn't he improve at all?" Kara asked.

"He slowly did but he was made to believe that what's around him now is his true self. So he decided to accept and embrace his life now, move forward instead of trying to bring back the past." Hobi said.

"So what's the problem now? You said he already accepted his life even if it was fabricated."

"Kara, his mom said Jungkook never initiated a doctor's followup ever... until today. She's afraid that he might know more and hate her or all of us who told him lies. He might also start to attempt harming himself." Hobi said with regrets in his voice.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Whatever happens, if his memory comes back or not, you will always be there for him like how it was before." Kara reached out for a hug, trying to calm him down.

Hana was right. It was because of her that Jungkook is living a different life. Why his parents and friends had to lie to him. They were trying to save him from misery. Misery caused by her passing.

Being a spirit allows Hana to get to places she wills to be in. This time she went to the cliff where the car accident took place. The cliff has a barrier now probably because it was accident prone.

Hana sat on the edge where she remembered Jungkook's truck fell from and looked at the dark water beneath it. "Now that I know what happened... am I here to help you forget or help you remember?" Hana asked out loud, confused.

"Think Hana, think... Why are you still here? Why can he see you? Touch you? Why?" She goes back to what Hobi said... she remembers a line he said.

"If only Hana was here, she's the only one who can calm him and assure him that none of this is his fault." Those were Hobi's words. Maybe that was her purpose? To be with him while he discovers the truth.

But what if she's here to tell him the whole truth? That could also be her purpose. At this time, Hana could only think of one thing that's certain, she's still here to protect Jungkook from harm no matter her purpose may be.

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