A New Start

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It was the first day of Spring. The birds were chirping, the sky was bright and plants were beginning to bloom once again as it began to get warmer. Sebastian didn't care much for the Spring, he preferred the cold, damp seasons, he felt more at home.

As everyone began to venture outside, Sebastian stayed in his dark basement he called home. He liked the solitude, he was left alone to work on his programming and read his sci-fi novels without being disturbed. He didn't get on with his step dad Demetrius or his half sister Maru. He was close to his mother, Robin, but still he didn't feel part of the "happy family".

He heard of the new farmer moving to the valley, a young lady who used to live in the city. Sebastian had always dreamed of moving to the city, so didn't understand why she would want to come to Pelican town. Part of him was curious to meet her but his anxiety made him decide not to bother.

He spent the day in his room working, trying to make ends meet to afford to go to Zuzu city wasn't easy, especially since he was working from home and not in a corporation where he knew he could make more. He was desperate to leave, just himself and his motorbike, he yearned for it but he knew it would take time. He just didn't want to be stuck at home any longer.

It was now eight pm and so he decided to go out to the lake to embrace the cool air and watch the frogs hop around in the mist. He rarely went out during the day, especially in he warmer seasons, he felt more comfortable in the cold and dark.

He stood at his spot, one thing he liked about his house was how close it was to the lake. Robin had built their home at the mountains, and despite how Sebastian hated his new father and life, he liked where his home was. He lit a cigarette, staring out at the lake, counting the frogs and he felt at ease.

"Excuse me?"
"Huh?" Sebastian looked to his left and saw a women standing beside him carrying a fishing rod
"I'm new here," she smiled, "I've been trying to meet everyone. Robin said you're Sebastian right?"
"Yeah," he paused, "so you chose to move here, really?"
"Umm.. well yeah." She cast her rod into the lake, she had long black hair with a fringe, very pale, almost grey skin and emerald eyes. She wore a purple t shirt and a black skirt with thick knee high socks and brown boots. She had a large rucksack by her feet, he could see a pick axe poking out of it. "I quite like it here actually."

Sebastian watched her attempt to catch fish and found himself smirking at her almost adorable attempts to reel the fish in. He felt slightly awkward as they barely spoke, and decided to go back home after having a couple more cigarettes. He heard her mumble "goodbye" and his anxiety prevented him from responding. He hoped he would see her again and that he hadn't ruined anything. He thought it would be another person in the valley he'd hate, like Alex or Haley but he liked this farmer and was curious to learn more about her.

A Light In The Darkness- SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now