Chapter 8: They Say Breaking Up is Hard To Do

Start from the beginning

"Jimin will find a way to see you over the next ninety days, don't be so dramatic!"

"That's the opposite of trying to lay low, Hwasa. And... who knows maybe space will do us good. You even said that I should let things settle before I go jumping into another relationship..." I trail off.

"I love Jimin more than anything, and I want to be with him," I say, swirling the straw in the lightly colored drink in front of me. "But I would be lying if I didn't say I might need some time to breathe. I don't want to go from being so reliant on one man to another." I'm silent as I look out at the traffic passing us by. "I hate the idea of being alone," I say and I wince hearing myself say the words out loud for the first time.

"And I hate that I feel that way. Yes it stems from Seven and... all of the issues with my mother and her multiple husbands but I'm twenty-eight." Fuck, I'll be twenty-nine next week. Happy fucking birthday to me.

"I'm a fucking adult, I should be able to... stand on my own two feet," I say the tears welling in my eyes as I feel myself on the edge of a breakthrough... or a breakdown.

"Tequila- the best truth serum," she says, raising her hand up towards the waiter who I assume is behind me. "We're going to need another one of these," she says pointing at our pitcher that is nearing the end. "Y/N... everyone needs to feel safe and loved and protected. There is nothing wrong with needing someone. Hell, we all need someone to lean on sometimes."

"Please don't quote old school songs to me right now."

Hwasa's mouth drops open and she smiles. "That's a great song."

"If you start singing, I will get up."

"Lean on meeee," she starts and my eyes widen as I look around at the people around us.

"I'm serious, Hwasa."

"When you're not strong..." she continues and I put a hand over my eyes trying not to make eye contact with anyone in the direct vicinity. "I'll be your friend."


"I'll help you CAAARRY ON!"

"God, what did I start?" I say rolling my eyes.

"FOR it won't be long, till I'm gonna need somebody to lean on!" She stops and I burst into giggles.

"Are you done?"

"Yes, thank you," she says looking around. "Thank you all, you've been a beautiful audience."

I sigh and shake my head. "I can't take you anywhere."

"I'm serious though, Y/N. No one is faulting you for needing someone to be there for you. I just don't want you to get hurt by moving too quickly."

"I feel like it's inevitable though, right? I cheated on my husband, why do I get to walk away from this scot-free?"

"Because although you did something bad, you're not a bad person." Is it bad that I needed to hear that? As annoying as she can be, Hwasa always knows what to say. "And Mark isn't totally innocent in all of this anyway. I mean come on, how many times did he make you feel unimportant... unloved..."

"Is that a reason to cheat though?" I ask, suddenly doubting all of my decisions of the last four months. "Maybe I should have just left Mark the second the feeling to fuck Jimin was getting too great."

"Look you and I both know this is bigger than the fucking. If you just fucked Jimin once or twice, you could probably tell Mark, he'd be mad and maybe not trust you for a while, but he would get over it. And you guys could move forward. You didn't end your marriage because you cheated on your husband and you just couldn't live with the guilt. You ended it because you fell in love and you can't live without another man that's not your husband." She shrugs. "It sucks, but it's the reality of the situation. This is so much bigger and deeper than the physical act of penetration."

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