~ That Watches All the Time ~

Start from the beginning

    The three masked teenagers remained together for some time, and Kid Flash occasionally got up to retrieve more water for Robin. At one point, Speedy left to get dressed in his uniform, but as soon as he was finished, he returned to Robin's side. Every once in a while the Titan leader would be overcome by a coughing fit, or he would grimace in pain as he faded in and out consciousness.

     As predicted, the other Titans burst into the room as soon as they could. What they weren't prepared for was for their normally steadfast leader to yelp and wince at their loud entrance.

"Oh, uh, oops," Cyborg apologized, "Guess we should've knocked."

"You think?" Robin glowered. Starfire, blissfully unaware of the tension in the room, flew up to her bedridden leader with her hands clasped together.

"Robin! You appear worse than you did yesterday!"

Robin shifted and tried to prop himself up on his elbows. Speedy and Kid Flash hovered on either side of him just in case.

"I know, Star. I'll be better soon." Hopefully.

"But what has caused you to become so unwell? I do not understand."

Robin rubbed his chin, the gears in his head beginning to spin a little bit faster. "They're waiting for something, and I think I know what," he explained and took a deep breath, as if just speaking was a strain on him.

"What?!" BB chirped from behind Cyborg. The ebony ninja caught Raven's gaze, a look of understanding on his face.

                      "My birthday."

    Cyborg held a hand up, "Hang on. As glad as I am that we're facing guys polite enough to wait for your birthday, what does that have to do with anything?"

     "I think they knew this was going to happen," he coughed, "It would explain the extra days they gave me to go to Gotham. My guess is that today and tomorrow will be the climax of this supposed 'Change' the messenger told you about."

    Robin succumbed to yet another fit, his thin frame heaving violently. He did his best to calm himself down and fought to suck in deep breaths, but he was met with little success.

    Raven floated noiselessly over to him, hands glowing white. Without a word, she placed one palm on his chest and the other on his stomach. The light in her hands flickered and fizzled out after a minute.

    "That's all I can do. I'm sorry."

   The teen cocked his head to the side with a tiny, closed-lip grin, breathing now even and voice stronger, "You're good, Rae."

The sorceress nodded, and Robin leaned back into his pillow. The whites of his mask became half black as he lowered his eyelids.

    "If...it's okay with you guys, I'm gonna take it easy for a bit. Lemme know if you need me," he breathed airily and closed his eyes completely.


09:00 PDT
November 30th
Location Unknown, Jump City

Ten figures stood in a half circle, the shadows of the empty warehouse hiding everything except the white owl masks covering their faces. The most notable thing about this meeting, however, was that two of the masked figures were a good deal shorter than the rest.

"Beware the Court of Owls—"

"—that watches all the time,"

"ruling Gotham from a shadowed perch—"

"—behind granite and lime."

"They watch you at your hearth."

"They watch you in your bed."

"Speak not a whispered word of them—"

"—or they'll send the Talon for your head."

The tallest and most imposing of the group stepped forward, "Children of the Court, what have you observed?"

One of the two smallest looked up, his youthful voice contrasting heavily with other's baritone, "The Gray Son of Gotham shows great potential. His skill and strength before the Change are enhancing beyond the Court's expectations."

The second small one took a confident step up and spoke her mind, "He is trying to resist it, but once he gives in, he shall be the greatest Talon the world has ever seen."

"The Head was right in his prophecy then," one of the seven declared.

"He shall become one to be feared," another echoed.

"But his heroic ways must be overcome," a third stated, "He refused to give in at the last moment."

"He was trained against such things by the Bat. It will take time for him to unlearn what he has been taught. All things worthwhile require effort," the apparent leader admonished, "The Gray Son shall return to the Court and take his place as the Heir. Of that I have no doubt."

    The leader turned his attention back to the two children before him, "Your performance was adequate. You may choose the next victim of the Maze when we return to Gotham."

   The kids nodded and stepped submissively back into the shadows. Beneath their small white masks, Wesley and Lily Hughs grinned devilishly.

    But unknown to all, a third figure in this game arrived in Jump City after a far too long hiatus.

Slade Wilson has returned...

...but the Court will not be denied.

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