"So, you summoned me away from my pancakes because you're too special to walk? Well hop on board, you delicate little flowers, it's not like I have anything better to do than be your mule."

Star blinked, but rather than argue, she just sent Cloudy away, screaming.

"Now what?" Star asked.

"Looks like we're walking."

"I guess so."

"In addition to your betting, we probably should talk about your spells developing bad attitudes..."

— Oo1oO — Oo1oO — Oo1oO — Oo1oO — Oo1oO —

After an hour of walking, the pair realized they were lost. Marco was not familiar with the streets in this part of the city, and when he had searched their beach bags for his phone to use its map application, he discovered they had left both of their phones, and the instant camera, at home.

"The ocean's, like, the biggest thing in this world," Star complained. "How have we not run into it already?"

"It's like the multiverse is conspiring against us," Marco whined.

As they rounded a street corner, they almost ran into a surfer walking the other way.

"Oh goody," Star said, bouncing on her feet. "Hey! Surfer dude! Which way to the beach?"

"The beach is a state of mind, brah," the surfer replied. He continued walking away.

"Just so you know," Star called after him, "that's not helpful!"

"Maybe we should just stop and think," Marco said. "Didn't your father teach you how to find your way in the wilderness?"

"Yes, Marco, the wilderness. We're not in the wilderness."

Marco sighed inwardly. "Well, this shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Let's see ..." Marco tapped his chin in thought. "The ocean is to the west, and moss grows on the north side of trees. So, we just have to find a tree with moss on it!"

"I'm pretty sure moss grows on whatever side it wants, but in any case, where would we find a tree with moss on it in this part of the city?"

Before Marco could answer, there was a loud "plop" and a large, white, gooey mess appeared on the shoulder of his hoodie.

"Ewwwww," the two said together.

"Wait, that was a seagull," Star said excitedly. "Follow that seagull!"

The teens chased after the seagull. Luckily, the buildings were low enough that they did not lose sight of the bird. Within a few minutes, they had followed it to a parking lot overlooking the beach.

"We made it," Star said happily. "Beach Day is actually happening!"

Marco took off his hoodie and threw it into a trash can, then the teens ran down to the beach. They chose an area with only a single beachgoer, sitting in a beach chair under a large umbrella, reading.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Star gushed. "The water is perfect. The sand is perfect. Everything is perfect! Now all we gotta do is take that picture!"

Star stopped, deflating. "Oh no. I forgot we left the camera at hooommmeee." She flopped face down into the sand.

"Hey, it's okay," Marco said.

"I just don't understand. Today was supposed to be Beach Day."

"Look at it this way, Star. It's a beautiful day. We can still have a fun day at the beach."

Star and Marco vs Evil Book 1Where stories live. Discover now