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Oh yea I dedicate this to her. =* hugs&kisses

hope ya' read it...


A bad boy met them and happens that he played the both. Their relationship mess up and a year’s came they met again and starts the magical feelings in each arms.

The questions are: Why he ruins their relationship? What will happen now that they will start anew? Will he interfere again? Is he interested in a way? Let yourself enjoy their story on how the twists between the three will be on a narrow straight stroke.

He is a bad ass to his parents. A good qualities that every woman seeks to a deep dodgy ocean, was hiding on the bottomless locked treasure box that was full of tricks.

A dark that needs a light. He knows to himself that love was not for him. That a word love was like a rare disease and he was healthy enough to acquire it.

Living on earth that he gets all he wants. But on a second thought, not all he gets. Not all can buy money, not all can feel in just one damn snap.

He met his undefeated opponent again and planning to played some game with her all over again. Being a bad ass, will he have dangerously stunned the opponent and defeated her? Or the opposite? The opponent stunned him with her own way that will melt his heart and treasured dark box willingly opened by self to lighten up everything.

God! She’s effect was no like other. His girl.

“Why didn’t you tell me early? We already passed the entrance examination and next week will be the start of our class…” Yumey’s irritable voice rise up on her dearly brother, Yaxen. He is working at the U.S of A for more than 2 years on a Shipments Company, a responsible and a loving brother to her. He tipped off his princess of some concerns of the school wherein she’ll spend her 4 years life in college.

Though, he graduated there with a flying colors and gave a loyalty honor on his alma mater, it doesn’t suit to her to study there because he’s afraid she’ll stumble upon unsightly ill mannered of students.

How students bullied their own fellow that could possibly make any parents to search out their siblings and dig out to shift them in a more responsible community. He, the one, bullied and luckily in the end ‘till he graduated at last, survived.

“My princess, any schools will do. Transfer yourself as do your friends. Besides, that’s not an issue that you passed, their records on your names are not criminal case that they would sue any…” He said in a soft calm voice and putting some sense of humor to make the ambiance of their talk as serene and ease the conversation. They’ve been talking to the phone since Yumey woke up in the morning and it’s already lunch. Anxiety of her brother annoyed her. He is so much bothered to the dudes she’ll meet and unnecessary events at college life. Many changes. Much deep unlike HS days.

Actually her Mom the one suggested to her to study their too. Their mother knows how this school only on elite siblings of people who are in a big wig on their country, and a salt to the earth. But have this no clue knowing mischievous acts.

“What on earth! I’m with Rixha, Owee and Kayli, anyways.” Gesturing on her fingers friends tallied though her brother can’t see it over the phone. “No worries on what you’ve said Yaxen. Ugh, as if I care them! Please, nothing to worry about me. Nothing” She assured on a convincing tone. Her aphorism, fight what’s right and do any as long as for the goods of ones. A kind-hearted girl. Whatever may happens her friends and herself buoyancy and bravery as well was on her hands.

“Fine, Fine. I know a stubborn chick really want her wants no matter what. You win over me” He surrendered on her lil’ sister rants. Yaxen never won a single word in every argument with her sister. Especially what meal they’re going to state on their cook. What restaurants they’re going to eat. Pleasing their parents. Even choosing a boxers and a tux he’s going to wear on his dates and gathering. And now, the school she’ll get through. How silly her sister, dearly girl, sweet and loving.

I know right. Yumey’s thought.

She shrugged her shoulders and smiled. Bullying and as such, should not be afraid for. She does not care how ill mannered would be them. What’s on her mind now was, to study, study and study. PERIOD. Besides, the school they’re arguing was influential and known, so much helpful in the near future.

On issue there, as what everyone’s sayings, expect the unexpected. There are really things or events you can’t steer clear of. Above and beyond no one can’t calculate what will be the next come to pass.

Yet, weather forecaster sometimes reckon on an off beam storm coming, where exactly it lands, what accurately it may do to everyone’s casualties.

She gets back on the dining table, she’s starving and her throat dries. They’re now having lunch. Thank God, Yumey and Yaxen disagreement on phone call dismissed on her side. She is with her Dad for support. All her family migrated at U.S.A since her brother graduated. Supposedly she must be too there but as what her brother said, a stubborn chick she was, hard to please.

Yumey wants to finish her college at the Philippines before she will leave and to settle at the other country. She wants to spend some time of her friends’ bluffs and have time to make more memories she’ll save on when ever reminiscing and proudly tale to a new acquaintance.

There surely would be times living alone, but she’s favored having countless house servants but not to her family. Fewer will do, above all, trusted ones.

 “Oh! What’s the final judgment?” her Dad grinned over the glass of water on his lips. Yumey’s Dad, was the typical Daddy haves. Strict and protective, well, it’s a given. Being stern Dads was just for every sibling’s sake, it’s just that how you will handle it as a daughter/son to them. Rebellious one’s are usually has this narrowed mind, not knowing love was there and the care.

 In case of Yumey, her dad is manageable and tolerable anyway.

She sat at the side part and started to shift all platters on her side. “Pa, I will study at UHDP, hmm whether everyone likes it or not. Final. No more blahs.” And she full up her spoon and quickly place on her O-wide mouth looking at her Dad grinning.

Her Dad reached out her nose and pinched it causing Yumey to choke a lil’ bit and frowned, but it finds to her Dad entertaining. The way she pig out, their princess and a lil’ baby forever for them. “Fine princess. I have trust on you my princess. Just do what you know what’s right”

Spoiled she is. But sometimes they need to tell off unexplainable things to her that she should follow, no buts entertained. Yes trust is there. A responsible like her, no doubt they could leave her alone with four house servants. She was born with so much love and surrounded with respectable people.

Yumey’s Thought:  Holy heuristics! I am so very excited for our upcoming classes. College would be great! Meet new people, new more activities and knowledge. I bet my friends are more than excited. My journey in college will start next week!

my part:

First ever story of mine. Hope you guys enjoy reading this story as days passed by. I need comments to make up on me. I'll update the next chapter after I read some lovey comments.

I just want a comment. And that would complete my life.

Spare some time for me to visit and read. Thank You and enjoy.

To say you the truth, I'm shaking typing this. I anxiously nervous thinking some may get interested.

Cya on d' next...


written by: dizanneearth_stories


1-19-13 / 2:21am

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