"Nick?" Maxine's voice brought him back to the present. 


Howie looked at one and then the other and shrugged. "Are you ok, man? You seem a bit out of it today?"

"I'm good. Just thinking about the fight and..." He didn't finish his sentence as his eyes met with Maxine's. "No problem man. You are more than welcome to come with us. Actually, I'm gonna go and get dressed." He bolted out of the kitchen and up the stairs.


Nick walked up to Howie who was watching from a bench as Maxine practiced in the ring with her partner. He wiped at the sweat around his neck and forehead taking a seat next to Howie.

"She's good, isn't she?" Nick turned to look at Howie.

Howie scowled at Nick, "I gotta admit she has it in her. I'm not sure where the hell she got it from, because I'm a lover, not a fighter. I know Kristine wasn't a fighter either. It's your fault."

Nick scrunched up his brows and twisted his lip in confusion. "Excuse me!"

"Yeah, she says she watched you and all these other fighter guys on TV. Plus, you are going along with her on this training and the fight in February. She's a girl...she should be sitting somewhere looking pretty." Howie huffed, knowing the last of his comment was sexist.

"That was uncalled for. She's more than a pretty face, Howie."

"Damn it Nick! I know you are after my daughter aren't you? I see the way you look at her and the way you guys play around when you think I'm not watching. She's pretty much a kid, Nick. I don't want you entangling her into your little web of sex games and drug use." Howie quickly noticed the hurt look on Nick's face. "I'm sorry. I know you are trying to change all that, but it takes time. I just want what's best for her and I think that she should go back with me...after your fight."


"Anyways, her fight is out in Florida. She'll already be there and she can find someone else to train her. Meanwhile maybe she can go to school or get a good job. Don't think that I'm not grateful for what you've done. I am. It's just...she wont listen to me. I'm sure, she'll listen to you."

Nick tried to process the news. That meant that she would be far away from him. She'd be far away from the danger that he knew was looming further on. He knew that no matter whether he won or lost this fight, there was trouble coming his way. It was comforting to know she'd be safe. Although, just the thought of Maxine being so far away sent a warm current through his body.

Hesitantly, Nick nodded his head. "Alright, I will talk to her, but I'm not making any promises. She's pretty used to California and she's old enough to make her own decisions."

Howie smiled and patted Nick's shoulder with content. "Thanks."

"Sure." Nick tried to smile, as his eyes reverted back to Maxine who was removing her headgear and gloves. "Imma shower!" He walked away.


After dinner at the local café with Howie and a long discussion of how dangerous it was to ride on the back of a bike with a driver like Nick, Maxine took a seat behind Nick and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. She waved at Howie and off they sped out of the parking lot.

A little later they parked the bike and both hopped off. Nick started for the house, but Maxine took his hand and pulled him towards her. She stared up at him and bit at the corner of her lip.

"Is everything alright? You were really quiet at lunch." She tried wrapping her arms around him.

He moved away and motioned her towards the house. "I'm good. I was just thinking...about us..."

"What about us?" Her heart fluttered with the hope that he would make her official. She smiled with anticipation.

"Come on we'll talk inside." He took her hand and they walked up to the half open door. They both looked at each other and Nick cautiously entered first. "HELLO?" he shouted, hoping that none of the bad guys jumped out at him, at least not with Max around.

"Nicky...I'm waiting for you." The voice coming from upstairs was all too familiar to the twosome as they looked at each other. They both walked up the stairs to find Bonnie spread out on his bed, in only her undergarments and a pair of neon green pumps.

Nick stood near the bed shaking his head at what a mess Bonnie was. He tried to help her up, but instead she pulled him onto the bed with her. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he fought to get loose.

"Bonnie cut it out. Come on, Amanda is on her way over here too." Bonnie slurred. 

Nick finally broke free from her legs and pulled her into sitting position. He took his robe from Maxine, and threw Bonnie over his shoulders. Her body was dangling like she was a doll as he carefully made it down the stairs and out the door.

"We could have...a threesome." Bonnie giggled as he put her down and helped her get into the robe. He tied it securely around her body and sighed with relief when he saw Amanda pull into the driveway. "It's not...the first time...Nicky."

"That's not happening again...us...this is all over, B." He opened the passenger seat and helped her into the car. He gave Amanda a nod and the two women drove away. 

This day had been a real downer to him, he felt exhausted and a bit angry about his whole situation. He wasn't sure how to tell Maxine about Florida or how to push her away. He took a deep breath and got into asshole mode.

Maxine watched as Nick walked by her and removed his shirt. He threw it on the couch and took a seat next to her on the bed. She had suddenly become afraid of what Nick had to say, there was something wrong. He'd had a shift in his mood after the practice and she wanted to know what was going on.

"So you were saying outside..." Her eyes remained fixed on the carpet.

Nick sat with his head in his hands and he let out a heavy sigh. This wasn't as easy as he had thought it would be. "Max..." He swallowed hard. "I think that you should go with Howie to Florida after the fight. It's convenient."

Her head slowly lifted and she tried to make eye contact with him, but he didn't dare look up at her. "It's convenient for whom?"

"All of us. Maybe, I gave you the wrong impression with what's been going on between us."

She shook her head angrily and shoved his shoulder. "I can't believe you are doing this. At least look at me."

He stood up unbuttoned his pants and removed them throwing them across the room. "Wanna lay down here with me?"

She narrowed her eyes at him and pursed her lips in anger. "Hell no."

"Well then..." He smirked and raised a brow. "I'm sleeping here tonight. You sure you don't want to join me. I mean, it's accommodated some fine chicks."

Maxine sniffled back the tears. "Something happened! You're being an asshole on purpose!" She spun around and ran down the stairs.

Nick blew out a breath and punched his pillow a few times. The pain in Maxine's eyes had almost made it impossible to go on with his act. It felt miserable to know that he wouldn't be next to her tonight and he fought the urge to run down the stairs to apologize and confess that it was all Howie's stupid idea. Instead, he gave the pillow one last punch and closed his eyes to end such a shitty day.  

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