D-D-Date?! Pt. II

Start from the beginning

Amasawa POV~

Sakayanagi: Nice.to.meet.you Amasawa-san~

The loli said in a cheery, but horror-striking tone.

Amasawa: Nice to meet you too Sakayanagi-senpai~.... Nope doesn't feel right at all, I'll just stick with loli-senpai hehe~.

It seems loli-senpai is at her breaking point the purple haired girl is holding back the loli by holding onto her shoulder, while watching senpai lets out a sigh and opens his mouth.

Kiyotaka: Sakayanagi.

Sakayanagi POV~

Kiyotaka: Sakayanagi

I was going to hit the nasty kouhai with my cane, but was stopped by Masumi-san, then Ayanokouji-kun, called out to me I looked at him.

Kiyotaka: I get how you're feeling right now, but please hold it in, Amasawa probably knows more about me than anyone else in this school.

Kamuro: Hmm...

Including me? The way he phrased it... Is he implying the possibilty that Amasawa-san is from the Whiteroom? No the way he said it, was implying that he is almost certain about it.

Sakayanagi: I see... it seems this is not the time yet. We will be on our way now Ayanokouji-kun, let's go Masumi-san. We shouldn't hold up their date any longer.

If she really is from the Whiteroom, her intellectual prowess should atleast be a step down from Ayanokouji-kun's or atleast equal with mine not to mention I don't know her physical prowess either, now is not the time to antagonize her.

Kamuro: Fine.

Kiyotaka:Okay, bye.

Sakayanagi: See you later Ama-sa-wa-san.

I said in an annoyed voice.

Ichika: See you later loli-senpai~!

She said cheekily 

Sakayanagi:'What a troublesome kouhai.'

I walked away with Masumi-san walking towards our intial destination. Then we saw Hashimoto-kun hiding behind a pillar, we were supposed to meet 5 minutes ago, but we were held up, it seems he heard some parts of my conversation with Ayanokouji-kun and the nasty kouhai.

Hashimoto: Hime who was the kouhai King was with?

He asked with curiousity, King huh. A fitting nickname for someone like him.

Sakayanagi: Her name was Amasawa Ichika.

Hashimoto then started typing on his phone it seems like he opened the newly introduced OAA app, it was certainly useful, it allows the student's of all three years to view a certain student's evaluation based on the schools criterion. It seems he was searching for Amasawa-san in the app, it looks like he did so, his expression shown was that of a shocked face. It seems she had a high rating.

Hashimoto: H-Hime, that kouhai has an A on Academic Ability and A- on Physical Ability.

He said this with an awestruck expression. Including Masumi-san who also had a shocked face. Well it seems like she atleast has the capablities to even be considered a Whiteroom student, but it seems unlike Ayanokouji-kun she doesn't hold back as much.

Hashimoto: Why is King with someone like her? She could possibly be one of the most talented students within the new 1st years.

Sakayanagi: Didn't you hear our conversation Hashimoto-kun?

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