Expect the Unexpected

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Amasawa POV~

I stood infront of the very large gates, I was finally free, so this is what outside air feels like, quite nice I was walking with to 2 other people to my left was a blonde/white haired girl with an aloof and carefree expression she was probably appreciating the feeling of being outside just like me, to my right there was a boy of average height, on the outside his expression was very lively he looked keen on making some friends, but only me and the girl to my left knew that inside he was jumping for joy he finally had the chance to defeat the 'masterpiece' and prove he was "superior". Unfortunately for him my senpai would never lose to anyone even God himself hehe~.

I finally get to meet you senpai~, i hope you're ready for my welcoming gift hehehe~

Ayanokouji POV~

Advanced Nurturing High School

Regarded as Japan's best school where they train so called 'elites' the students chosen to attend this prestigous school are selected through a wide variety of characteristics meeting the board's criterion.

Most people might think that being academically smart equals superiority, the majority of schools and universities might agree but not this one. 

The school boasts about it's 100% employment rate and a guaranteed future, getting accepted meant that you were set for life, atleast that's what we thought, if only society were so easy that getting accepted to the most prestigious school in the country or possibly the entire continent were enough to secure your life of luxury, but sadly reality was a cruel mistress.

ANHS accepts many kinds of students to prodigies, academically gifted, physically talented, some were average, and even what society might call trash, scum, or what the teachers and higher classes call as 'defectives'.

I , Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, am currently a student admitted to this prestigious highschool where I'll soon be commencing my second year of highschool.

As of April 1st, I'm a student of Class D or what most people call the 'Defective Class' we have a total of 275 class points. This means that every month we will recieve aroung 27,500 yen's worth of private points. The current highest class, which was Class A it was led by a smug-loli named Sakayanagi Arisu with an outstanding total of 1119 class points, following behind was Class B which was led by and overly friendly girl with monst- I mean a well endowed body named Ichinose Honami, with 542 points, and at their tail was Class C, which was led by a Dragon tyrant, Ryuuen Kakeru with 540 points.

If you compare our class to the other ones the gap in class points might seem large, but even so, it may be more accurate to say we were catching up.

The extent to which we can close this gap over the course of this next year would decide our fate for our 3rd year.

Spring break has finally come to an end, it was finally the day of the opening ceremony. We were officially ditching our old 1st year classroom which reeked of Yamauchi's lingering scent and relocated to our new and fresh 2nd year classrooms without Yamauchi hehe. 

I just arrived at the classroom and from a glance it didn't look very different but the vibe it gave off was pleasant and fresh, at the front of the class there was a message displayed.

[Sit down in the same seat you used last year and wait for further instructions.]

Last year we had a blackboard that the teachers used but what was there instead was a large monitor, my incoming classmates were also surprised at this as they went their way to their previous seats.

We were to have the opening ceremony in the gymnasium after this.

The teachers then spent 2 hour briefing us on this year's schedule and other important details before releasing us into the wild(lol) before noon.

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