Her Feelings

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To me you are everything.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka the sole survivor of the "Demonic fourth" the Instructors and Staff of the Whiteroom consider him the best product created by white walls that surround me. 

Out of the twenty generations of the white room and 1,200 students non come close to the person called Ayanokouji Kiyotaka his achievements are outstanding he has already broken multiple World Records and to the ones he didn't break they were already on the edge of shattering them.

Many students in the 5th generation at the moment worship him like a God, to us he seemed like an existence that one can only ever hope to reach.

Our instructors keep going on about 'Ayanokouji Kiyotaka did better', 'He did this faster', 'Not good enough to beat him', 'You kids are worthless, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka would demolish any competition if he was in your generation'.

After hearing the same thing over and over again for the last eight years many students came to hate him including me.

I absolutely despised him. I mean who wouldn't? Because of him our training got more intense, our instructors would often increase the difficulty of our drills to spite us saying the same goddamn things over and over again.

It wasn't just me all my batchmates' also hated him. They knew their hate was unjustified since he was just performing his tasks and minding his own business.

Still we made reasons to hate him and continued cursing him everyday we hoped that he'd just die from something illogical or something like that, it went to the point where if certain students didn't perform well they would blame it on him.

I was also one of those students, even though I knew it was illogical, even though it wasn't his fault, even though at the back of my mind I knew he was just trying to survive.

I still blamed him for my failures and short comings. Pathetic, right?

Then one day it all changed, while we were dissing Ayanokouji Kiyotaka the facility we were supposed to be training in suddenly had a malfunction we were forced to relocate to an identical facilty in the 4th generation's building.

My batchmates who survived to this point in time were reduced to 35, almost half of the entire 5th generation has failed, disposed of never to be seen again. You might ask what happened to them?

Simple most of them had died from exhaustion, some had their hearts suddenly stopping, there were even ones who died in their sleep, lucky them such a peaceful way to die, but the ones who didn't die.

They went insane, simply put they ceased to function as a 'human being' those who broke down lost all sense of rationality they were banging their heads on the white walls, some tried to choke themselves to death, hell some were even laughing while trying to kill themselves. Anyway back to the main topic.

My fellow batchmates me included went into uproar, this was to be expected of course afterall this was the first time they were gonna step on the 4th generation section of the Whiteroom. This was also the place where 'that guy' was training in so of course they had mixed feelings some where excited while some hated the idea of stepping foot in the same place Ayanokouji Kiyotaka trained in, of course that was to be expected they hate him after all.

There was one guy who hated him so much that he started praying to the devil that he would rot in the flames of hell for eternity and he would even be willing to sell his soul.

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