Chapter one

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DAVINA WOKE UP FROM HER PHONE playing "can't take my eyes off of you" by Frankie Valli as her alarm clock

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DAVINA WOKE UP FROM HER PHONE playing "can't take my eyes off of you" by Frankie Valli as her alarm clock. After showering and putting on makeup, she got changed. She wore a yellow, long sleeve, tight shirt with blue skinny jeans and a pair of black boots. She put her hair in space buns before grabbing her book bag and heading to the kitchen. (Photo above)

"Inessa! Come on! You're gonna make me late!" Davina shouted at her sister while grabbing the breakfast she made the night before.

Seconds later Inessa came bursting in.

"Sorry, I slept in then had to find my books." She said while grabbing an apple.

"Okay, okay. Come on!" Davina pushed her to the front door.

"You know, you could learn to drive." Inessa mentioned after driving for a few minutes.

Davina looked at her before shaking her head, "I'm 15 Ness."

"So?" Inessa shrugged, "You could kill someone with a spoon, I don't think driving is that big of a problem."

"That's illegal Ness." Davina reminded her sister.

Inessa shrugged again, "We've broken the law countless time, Davi. And for far worse things too."

"Yeah, but we're supposed to try living normal lives." Davina said looking down at her lap, before looking up again when her sister starts speaking.

"No matter what we do, our lives won't be normal." Inessa responded solemnly.

Davina sighed before joking, "Aren't you supposed to be the responsible one?"

"Nah, I'll leave that to you." Inessa responded.

They both laughed before Davina looked back out her window.

The rest of the drive was silent before they got to school.

"I'll see you in science." Davina said while exiting the car.

"See ya, green bean." Inessa responded before walking away.

"Stop calling me that." Davina shouted after her.

"Never!" Inessa responded. Davina shook her head laughing before entering the school.

 Davina shook her head laughing before entering the school

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