Ch.1.1: Who should we trust?

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~Daily Life~

This wasn't the school we expected to be at, where all of our hopes and dreams come true. No, this was the place with despair and nightmares. We all knew that. We all couldn't believe it with our own eyes. But this isn't Inanimate Hope Academy, it was Inanimate Despair Academy...

"Please just be a dream.." Cassie whimpered from behind me.

I looked back to see Nick and Will trying to calm the young girl down. She looked as though she was about to cry. I looked at our other classmates to see a variety of reactions.

Scott and Hawke looked up at the podium in shock, and instantly looked at each others with suspicion. Matthew and Sarah both had scared expressions on their faces as they held each other close I couldn't imagine what would happen if either one of them got killed. I looked at everyone else and sighed. I could tell the group wasn't strong right now.

"I don't wanna die...!!" I hear Cassie cry from across the room. "I'm too young to die!!"

Will held her closely, brotherly affection fueling his concern. Nick stood behind them, rubbing her back awkwardly and comforting the both of them. It seemed like he was comforting himself too.

"It's okay.. It's okay.. We're gonna be fine."

Theresa, Frankie and Marilyn grew tense. Theresa shuffled nervously, as Frankie stood quietly. Marilyn looked scared out of her mind.

Hawke stormed to the door, and we all looked up. Where was he going?!

"Hawke! Wait!" I called to him. "Why don't we all sit and talk about this?"

He turned to me. His gray eyes sank deep into my soul. Let me just say that this guy scares me and I will probably never be friends with him.

"So? It won't change anything about the problem. Someone is going to die, Won't they?" he replied, his voice gravelly and deep. To anyone else, I'm sure it seemed attractive, but right now, it was menacing and dark.

"B-But! We all can solve it, together!" I said. I was determined to not let anyone die, even if I didn't know these people very well. "As long as we hope, no one will die-"

He growled at me, his hand was clutched up in a fist. "How many times do I have to say no kid!" I was knocked off of my feet as he threw a startling blow straight at my jaw. My legs felt like they had been crushed by weights and I fell to ground, blacking out.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was greeted with the sickeningly bright colored wallpaper that adorned the room I was in. Looking around, I saw a desk, some axe in a glass case, Sarah, a bathroo- SARAH?!

"S-Sarah!! Wh-What are you doing here?!"

"After Hawke punched you, Will carried you back here. We all have our own rooms, and this is yours!" She gave me a small portable device, "This is too! It's a handbook thing that's really helpful! It's also your room key,"

I shoved it in my pocket; I could look at it later, "Where's.. Everyone else?"

"In the cafeteria, waiting for you!" She giggled, and smiled sweetly. I know it was supposed to be reassuring, but it was too sweet. Sweet to the point of creepy. Still, she was my friend, and I couldn't trust anyone but her and Matthew.

"Well, I guess we should be heading to the cafe." I said, trying not to meet with that creepy smile she was making.

"Yeah!" she beamed, grabbing my hand and drags me out of my room. "Let's go Ollie!!" Traveling down the hallways, which were creepy in their own right, we tried to navigate through the dimly lit school. Along the way, several paintings decorated the walls. Most depicted gruesome murders, and I shuddered. This was a sick, sick place.

We arrived to the Cafe to see everyone there. Matthew and Hawke watched as we walked in, and everyone else was chatting away. I sat down at the table between Hawke and Ace. Hawke's feet were on the table.

"You know, you could get someone sick by just putting your feet on the table." I said.

"Meh, whatever." He replied, pulling a cigarette out of his mouth. He puffs a cloud of smoke out of his mouth, grinning at me, "Is that gonna be my murder weapon?" From the other side of the table, Nick sniggered. Hawke winked back.

Cassie slapped Nick upside the head. "That's not funny you two!!"

"Well I thought it was.." Nick grumbled as he went back to sulking. Hawke's eyes lingered on the two before returning back to the table.

"I agree with Cassie. Not funny." Will agreed, glare directed at Hawke. Oliver felt Hawke shift beside him, and growl. Thus, a rivalry had been made between the two. I just sat there, staying out of the conversation.

"You boys are silly I tell you." Marylin said, glancing at Hawke and Will. "I tell you the less enemies you have the more of a chance that no one dies."

"Well, no one asked ya, sweet cheeks," Hawke retorted.

"What kind of drug are you on? The idiot pill?" She snapped right back at him. "I'm not some kind of toy that you can play with, if ya want me you have to work for it."

Hawke growled, "Who said I ever wanted ya, ya little-"

"Hey don't talk to her like that!" Will cut in.

"Oh, you're really askin' for it, tubby!"


"You, fatass,"

"That's it!!" Will, scrambled out of his seat to reach across and strangle him. Hawke, unamused, held him back with his boot.

"Be careful, I might kill you with the cooties."


"WILLIAM, SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" Cass reached over and grabbed the back of Will's shirt, pulling him down into his seat.


"NO!! NO ONE WILL BE KILLING ANYONE!!" Cass screamed, a fury that no one had ever seen from the supposedly sweet girl. Even Nick cringed, "NO ONE WILL KILL ANYONE!!!" Her cries grew hysterical, and everyone watched as she suffered the nervous breakdown.

Will looked over and quicky stopped screaming, holding her close, kissing her tears away. "Aw Cass, I'm sorry I didn't mean it." Will said, glaring at Hawke. "Hawke, just pissed me off."

"No one will kill.. Anyone.." She sobbed the same mantra over and over again.

"Awww, how depressing!" A familiar voice cooed. We all looked up at the intercom. "I thought we were about to see the first death of this school! William Parker choking Hawke Cutler to death! Upupupu~" More laughter, "And I thought we would have a amazingggggg execution too!"

"E-Execution?!" Bridget shrieked.

"Yes! Execution!! If you commit a crime and you get caught, what usually happens? I know you all know this word too! It's starts with a P!" The voice replied.

"Cut the shit," Ace growled, "Just get on with it,"

"Ohh! I get to say it! Yeee~!" The voice squealed before clearing his voice. "LETS GET READY FOR THE EXECUTION BECAUSE ITS FINALLY PUNISHMENT TIME~!!!!" He screamed into the microphone as loud as he could.

Everyone jumped, startled, and that's when the floodgates broke. Cass's bawling turned into hysterical crying and screaming, "I WANNA GO HOME!! I WANNA GO HOME!!"

The laughing kept going on for what to seems hours. He finally stopped to answer Cass's request, "You can't go home unless you graduate or committed the perfect murder!" Her lip quivered and she bawled again. Cass was able to express what we were all afraid to.

Complete and utter despair.

Inanimate Danganronpa: Welcome DespairWhere stories live. Discover now