Chapter 5

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Sadie POV

It was another day at the hellhole, I thought to myself in the moment, as i went to. Open the door to the ape  Shelter, where i was greeted by the scent of the dirty apes pen. I thought to myself in the moment, as i took off my Jean jacket than went to the office and the medical vet office. I drop off my bag, jacket, before i went into the main space with the apes. Pens, i thought as walked to greeted my favorite ape, Maurice. " hi Maurice" i said as he gotten up than greeted me.

With his hooting, i put my hand thought the Bars he put his larger hand on my hand. I thought to myself, as i felt his hand. Touch my hand, i thought to myself for a moment, than i gently took my hand out. Before i went to open Maurice door to go out to the playroom, i did this one at a time. Until i got to the last one was rocket, aka the jackass of the apes. I personally i don't blame him he been though a lot, he came from a testing lab.

He's survivor he has a reason to be a jackass,  i thought as he went through the tunnel to get to the playroom.  I thought as i began to open the other apes pen,  the only one i had not open it was Cesar, it was still the quarantine period for Cesar.  That was the rules to protect the other apes from the illness that apes can carry. I thought to myself in the moment, as i walked to Cesar pen. He was still scared, " hi sweetie ?" I asked him, to come out from hiding, he slowly came out, he had his hand though the bar.

I put my hand though the bar, placed on his hand I felt him shakeing " it's alright sweetie" i said before i removed my hand,  " I'll be back" i said as went on my daily routine started to clean each pen, than refilled water, food dishes. Than it was Cesar turn. For his i have to drug him because it was too dangerous. It was policy, i thought as i got the needle ready, " Cesar" i called him he came over, I thought mentally " i am sorry" i said as i injected him i saw him slowly go down. Than i unlocked his pen than i carefully and quickly clean the pen. Gave him fresh water and food. I put new bedding inside, than blanket over him, before leavening, i lock the pen, when i heard dodge called my name Cesar started to wake u.

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