003. brillio head

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CLEMENTINE SAT AT the lunch table watching two girls basically groom eric, coreys older brother, from across the room she'd swore one of them were braiding his hair-Shawn and Corey sat down next to her "I wish it had been macaroni and cheese so when Harley punches me and I puke it makes a bigger mess" Corey frowned as he sat down.

"Why's Harley going to punch you?" clementine asked this was what she was worried about, being shoved in a locker by a group of older girls and Corey being brutally attacked because he annoyed someone "because I got him detention..."

"I don't know why you just won't ask eric for help" Shawn spoke up, digging into his dry white chicken "I can't, I signed that contract!"

"Oh Corey don't be dumb, eric is one of the nicest guys I know I'm sure he'd help you" once clementine tasted the chicken she pushed the tray towards the middle "you gonna eat that?" Shawn questioned.

"Go for it"

"Your only saying that because you like him!" Corey shook his head and shawns eyes widened-it was true clementine had been in love with Corey's brother the first time she laid eyes on him "oh shut up, just go ask him Brillo head" she slapped the back of his neck.

Corey and Shawn, followed by clementine got up and walked towards the older boys' table. The girls talking to him were absolutely gorgeous, Shawn bent over and whispered something in his ear. One of the girls said something then he started laughing like the idiot he is.

Eric walked over to the two of them near the water fountain and began to drink "hi eric!" clementine grinned from ear to ear and he smelt so good, yes she sniffed him "hey clem"

"make this quick" he looked at Corey.
"Help!" was all he said. "How could you possibly get into this much trouble in one day?"

Clementine was still smiling "it didn't take me a whole day!" Corey whispered-that was also true, it took him about one class period into the day "alright look, last bell head for the nurses' office tell them your sick and have mom and dad come pick you up!" Eric instructed.

"Won't I look like a coward?" Corey mumbled, his back to the wall "Corey you are a coward!" clementine responded.

"All right! who took the last piece of chicken!" A thirty-year-old rushed into the cafeteria, he looked old enough to be a teacher "I am going to kill the guy who took the last piece of chicken!" he yelled.

"And the nurses' office is where?" Corey looked at his brother "do not attempt to recontact me!" eric walked away.


Clementine and Shawn walked in silence, he insisted he walk her home even though he lived on the opposite side of the city "you didn't have to walk me home, I could've walked by myself..." clem broke the silence, it was hot outside and the sun was starting to set. "I wanted to."

"You're being overly nice to me, what do you want?" clementine asked the boy standing awfully close to her as if the sidewalk wasn't wide "nothing, just a friend walking another friend home" he put his hands in his pants pocket.

"Okay, are we even friends?" clementine looked at him, the only reason he was even talking to her was because she was wearing clothes that fit her "yeah, why wouldn't we be?"

"Um I don't know because you called me a man whenever I was in the same room as you" clementine raised both of her eyebrows "don't be silly clem I was just joking, just friendly jokes between two friends!" he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"clem?" she looked up at the window to her house, her father was looking out of the window "is that Shawn?"

Clementine moved his arm away from her, ben looked at the boy like he was upset, worried even boys and the man didn't mix well "hi sir-"

she swatted his mouth "dad I'm coming" she smiled "bye Shawn!"

author speaking
this chapter is unedited

eeeek the next episode is so
fun to write sorry if it feels short
the episodes are like 22 minutes

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