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THE MOON HUNG ABOVE US like a celestial disco ball, minus the disco, the shimmering, and I guess the panic

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THE MOON HUNG ABOVE US like a celestial disco ball, minus the disco, the shimmering, and I guess the panic. I had the luxury of attending a party, thanks to Piper and CJ for dragging me out of my dorm. "It's a house party," they'd said, "those are like, super rare!"

The appeal of the rarity of house parties was lost on me, but I came with them nonetheless. Nash had come too, after I'd told him about my plans. Said he didn't like parties. I told him I didn't like them either. They just weren't my scene. He said he'd meet me here, if only to make it the least bit more bearable.

If possible, I would've kissed him through the phone.

So, I hated parties, but I also did not. The type of parties I hated were the kinds we had back in highschool. The ones August made a habit of dragging me to. The kind his friends hosted. The kind he hosted. I would assume those parties weren't considered house parties, despite them taking place in houses.

There was so much I didn't know about a lot of things.

This party had fewer bodies. A lower attendance rate. More breathing space. It was easy to get by, to get around. There wasn't much reason to squeeze through groups of people. It almost seemed like our "get togethers" at Phi Kappa, but with more people than just my friend group and Carter's housemates.

A light breeze swept by me. By us. I'd nearly forgotten I had company.

Nash looped his arm with mine and twined our hands, interlacing our fingers. I tilted my head to get a better view of nature's clock.

If I were any less of a scientifically inclined student, I would freely express my connection to the moon. With words, most likely. Maybe pictures. Expressions. Actions.

I thought the moon and I shared a lot in common. For one, we were far from home, and drifting even further. And Nash? Nash was probably not the moon, or a moon, for that matter. Nash was more like earth. At least, to me. Except, if he was the earth, I couldn't be the moon. I wasn't drifting away from him as much as I was hurtling towards.

Maybe I was the sun. He did have a habit of "orbiting" around me. He had his own life, too, like the earth did. He orbited around himself, twirling in sync with his friends, his family. Giving life and purpose to the ones he loved. Looking after them. Doing so much for so many, while I was nothing but a huge ball of fire, lighting up the entire sky, making my presence known. Well, my sky. The sky in my tiny universe.

The sun wasn't much affected by gravity, was it? I wasn't so sure. It never strayed from it's position, it didn't orbit. All it did was give light.

I bit down on my lip. The sun wasn't so important after all. Perfect. There was no better fitting celestial body.

"You've been silent for a long time."

I let out another sigh. "Sorry. I got lost in my head." Could one get lost on the moon? "Did you ask me something?"

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