part 1

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In a small seafood fast food restaurant, Atlanorth a almost small, but peaceful street in Kiel, Logan enters there to visits Marcin. Logan is surprised and shock when he saw Marcin is in a dairy goat-cow hybrid form when Marcin enters the restaurant from a lunchroom. Marcin wears a light blue pirate jacket as a part of the costume of the Atlanorth mascot, captain Klaus and felt funny.

A first-grade girl: you look funny, Klaus.

Marcin: Thank you.

A mother of a first-grade girl: Darling, I think he doesn't feel well.

Logan: I agree with you.

Marcin went and fall into a big ball pool.

One first-grade girl jumping Marcin's sumo wrestler's fat belly as a trampoline

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One first-grade girl jumping Marcin's sumo wrestler's fat belly as a trampoline.

Logan is a little bit worried about Marcin and gets cherry red cheeks.

Logan: Marcin, you should be on a farm today You're not well enough to work today.

Marcin: That's okay, Logan. I can stay on the farm tomorrow.

One kindergarten boy hugs Marcin's udder. So Marcin feels arousing and gets pinkish-red cheeks.

Logan: I told you. On the bright side, my Vietnamese Polish girlfriend isn't here this time.

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