💘𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐞 𝐠𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 "𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞"?💘

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💘words 1089💘

When Kenny was walking to school he saw that Butters was little bit ahead of him, and was fiddling with the strings on his backpack.

"Hey Butters," Kenny said, making Butters flinch a little.
"Oh hey Kenny, geez I thought you were someone else then." Butters smiled.

"Oh ok..so anyway since we are 'dating' now would you like to go on an actual 'date'?" Kenny asked; feeling a little embarrassed.
"Oh i'd love to!" Butters said, surprised.

Butters wasn't really sure why Kenny had a sudden interest in him but he felt good that someone cared about him.

When they got into school their first lesson was art, which Butters unfortunately had to sit with Cartman in. He didn't want to be mean or anything but he was super scared of him...


“Oh sugar, how am i gonna make it through this lesson when i’m next to him,” Butters cursed under his breath. He tried to keep his spirits up and be positive, but he just couldn’t.

He gave himself a mini pep talk and sat down in his seat. He mustered up the courage to greet Eric ‘cause it would be impolite not to.
“O-Oh hey-a Eric!” He waved.

“Hey Butters, heard you’re dating Kenny now. You guys made out yet?” Cartman snickered, his cheeks puffed out as he tried to hold in his laugh.

Butters face went bright red, ‘Oh hamburgers. Now that Eric knows about me and Kenny, who knows what’s he gonna do now!’

He panicked and was going to get up to confront Kenny, but got cut off as the teacher walked in the room. Now Butters was gonna have to wait till lunch to have a talk with Kenny.

The art teacher started the lesson, and Butters grew more and more anxious the more he thought about dating Kenny. What if his dad finds out and grounds him or sends him to the camp again? What if all the girls found out and made fun of him??

💘time skip to lunch💘

The obnoxiously loud bell rung, as class was finally over and students stormed out of the class to go to the canteen and get their hands on the first few tender slices of crispy, juicy roast beef.

The lunch queue was a war zone, children fighting each other over who gets the first piece. Cartman was always first in the pecking order, no one dared to battle that guy and get on his bad side -otherwise you’ll probably be eating your parents for your next meal.

All of the weak, scrawny nerds were always at the back of the line, they were too defenceless and got the leftover scraps, just like a dog in the wild. Butters was always in the lower-middle section of the lunch line.

He waited patiently in the line as he awaited to get his hands on some grub. Kenny joined him in line and greeted him. Butters remembered about confronting Kenny about telling too many people about their relationship.

“H-Hey uh Kenny?” Butters stuttered, his hands sweated as he’s never had to confront people before and it’s his first time.

“Yeah?” Kenny replies. Butters cleared his throat
“Um, you think we would keep our relationship on the down-low? I just don’t want folks like Eric to make fun of us and stuff,”

Kenny nodded, he couldn’t tell Butters that he’s only dating him for a week ‘cause of a dare
Cartman made him do. Imagine how heart-broken Butters would be.

Butters felt a little bad for being so serious with Kenny when their relationship was so new, so he decided to change the topic.

“So about our date, well I was thinking that maybe we could walk back to my house after school and we could get some snacks and then go to the park for a picnic!” Butters smiled.
Kenny smiled back and replied:

“Sure butters! That sounds great!”

Kenny was expecting for this week to be hellish and embarrassing, but looks like it wasn’t going to be so bad after all!


During the rest of the school day Butters couldn't help but feel excited about the date later, he created loads of different scenarios about how it would be in his head. All these thoughts were causing him to zone out in class a lot and people kept asking him if he was actually listening.

After school Butters and Kenny walked out together.

"I sure am excited for our little date later, Kenny!" Butters blushed.
"So am I," Kenny smiled a little.
"Is there uh anything in particular you want to bring?" Butters asked shyly.
"No not really." Kenny replied.
"Oh ok then..." Butters said as they continued walking back to his house.

"Hey....um I'm sorry if I upset you at all earlier." Butters said suddenly.
"No you didn't, you don't have to apologize for anything" Kenny reassured.
"If I ever do upset ya though please tell me!"
"I know you wouldn't ever upset anyone on purpose," Kenny couldn't help feel bad for Butters when he said this.

When they got to Butters' house his parents weren't home which he was secretly really grateful for.

Butters got out a picnic basket from the cupboard and a blanket for them to sit on.
"Sorry I'm not that prepared I didn't know we were having this date." Butters indicated.

"That's ok I'm just happy you agreed to it on such short notice." Kenny responded.
"Well of course I'd agree to going on a date with you, I've like liked you for ages hehe!" Butters admitted.

Kenny went red but couldn't help feeling insanely guilty, he was going to have to break up with him in a week! He couldn't bare to think about how upset butters would be.

Butters made some sandwiches and put them in the basket then he scanned the fridge and saw that there was a box of chocolates and some water in there and packed them as well
"Is this ok?" Butters said, pointing to the basket.

"Yeah it's perfect" Kenny smiled and they went out of the house and made their way to the park.

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