
He quickly took a seat next to her and Turbo growled. "Stop it." She scolded the dog. "I'm sorry. I'm not sure what's gotten into him. How are you?"

"Great. On my way home to get ready, we are hitting Club Doozy tonight. You should come. It's totally kickback." Derek smiled wide showing his perfect teeth.

Maxine hesitated for a bit and then looked back towards the house. Nick was in a mood and most likely she would end up arguing with him the rest of the night. Plus, Howie was busy tonight with helping Kevin and Kristen for the party.

He smiled again. "Anything...you will look good in anything. By the way my dad is fascinated with you. He says you are a fast learner and he's glad that I recommended you."

Maxine couldn't help but smile back. "That's awesome!"

He stood up and took her hands to help her up. "Alright well I'm off to get ready. I'll see you in an hour."

Turbo growled once again and Maxine tugged at the leash. She waved at Derek and headed back into the house to get ready.

Nick's leg shook as if he were nervous. He was going crazy unable to have a drink or indulge in one of his favorite narcotics. There was no way he could be having withdrawals, because he wasn't exactly addicted to them, he told himself. Where they hell was Bonnie when he needed her?

His eyes went wide as he saw Maxine walking out of her room. Her jeans were tight on her little body; she was wearing a t-shirt that exposed some of her naval and a pair of very tall heels. Her hair was wild and she was wearing a bit more makeup than usual. Nick cleared his throat and she turned to look at him.

"Where are you going?" He tried to keep it cool.

"I'm going out with Derek and his friends."

"Why Derek? He's bad news!" Nick got off the sofa and approached her. She smelled like apple shampoo and sweetness.

"He thinks the same about you. I'm going out because I'll be damned if I spend my Friday here arguing with your grumpy ass. You have Turbo to keep you company anyways." She placed a hand on his chest and looked up at him. "Don't give up on me, Nick."

Nick stared at her butt as she walked out of the house and closed the door behind her. He sighed heavily wishing that he could stop her from hanging out with Derek. He knew exactly what the little rich boy was after. After pacing the house and thinking it through he convinced himself that keeping an eye on her from afar wouldn't hurt.

He was going to Club Doozy.


Maxine was all smiles as Derek's friends welcomed her; they all scooted and gave her space to sit down at their VIP booth. The girls were all dressed up and shimmering with tons of makeup. Chatting about massages, the mall and how wasted they were going to get. Another blonde guy took out a small packet and dumped a bunch of colorful pills onto the table.

The group started grabbing at the pills and popping them into their mouths chasing them down with their drinks. Derek took two and handed one over to Maxine. Everyone started to leave the table egging her on to take the pill, because it would make her feel so good.

"I don't do those things, Derek." She nodded and handed the pill back to him.

Derek took a seat next to her and placed the orange pill with a butterfly carved into it on the table in front of her. "I promise that you will love the affects. You'll be free from everything that is bothering you...that sadness I can see in your eyes will disappear at least for a few hours. I promise I will take care of you. I won't take mine just so I can take care of you." He smiled his genuine smile.

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