Chapter 28 Wonderwall

Start from the beginning

When the song was finished we collapsed on the floor laughing.

“I bet twitter gonna love this” Louis said smirking. Apparently he had been standing in the corner by the stairs and filming the whole time.  “And woops, done. Shall we go and eat breakfast?”

“We’ll just have to find something on him to put up, but that won’t be hard” Harry whispered in my ear as he lends me his hand. “Is El coming?” Harry asked Louis.

“Nah, she had to study, but she’d like to grab some lunch later” Louis replied as he put on his shoes.

“Maybe all the girls can go and eat? Like me, Dani, El, P, Mandy and Sophie?” I asked as I tied my Converse. “And by the way Harry, you owe me a pair of Converse” I said pointing at my shoe and wiggling my eyebrows.

“Of course love” Harry said as he grabbed his beanie from the desk. Damn.

“Are you going to wear that?” I asked biting my lip.

“Yeah that was my thought…?” Harry replied unsure.

“Okay, okay cool” I said as I walked out of the door while Harry and Louis still stood in the flat looking at me. “Are you coming or not? I’m starving”

We walked down the stairs and out on the streets, I haven’t really been outside with Harry since the incident. It had been quite calm on Twitter and Tumblr, but you never know, maybe they’ll attack us.

“Are you being so mainstream that we’re going to Starbucks?” I asked.

“Hey don’t say that about my love” Louis said, pretending to look insulted.

“I thought you loved Eleanor?” I asked, rising my eyebrows.

“Yes I love Eleanor, but I mean Starbucks come one, it tastes so good! Don’t you feel that about something?” Louis asked.

Me and Harry just looked at each other and burst out laughing. And Louis’ face made us laugh even louder.

“You’re both so weird and when I say that someone is weird, you’re weird” Louis said shaking his head. Louis was always the one who made everything so easy; he made everything look so easy. Out of all of the boys Louis was the one I had gotten closest too – except for Harry. He really felt like my older brother and he’s a good listener and a hell of a friend. Sometimes the ones that listen to everybody is the one that keeps most inside and is the most careful. After hearing all of the mistakes your friends make, you become more careful of what you do and what you feel. You’ve perhaps seen how pain looks like and you promise yourself to not feel that way, so you keep away from everything. And this is sad, because so keep so much inside and one day you’ll explode and how will that turn out? But I really hope that Louis don’t keep it all inside.

We finally arrived at Starbucks; we stood in queue and waited for our turn when a couple of girls walked towards us, two brunettes and one blonde girl, maybe 15 years old.

“Hi guys” the blonde said shyly.

“Hi babes” Louis said smiling at them.

“Hi Caroline” one of the brunettes said taking away my attention from the menu.

“Uhm, hi girls” I said smiling. I liked this kind of fans; calm and cute. Does who screams and goes ape is just annoying.

“We just wanted to say how brave you were for standing up for Harry about the whole George thing. We knew you’d never break up with George, you seemed to love him too much” the other brunette said.

“Thanks girls, that really means a lot” I said smiling sweetly.

“We’re just going to order then we can talk more, okay babes?” Harry asked the girls and they all nodded eagerly.

“Hi” Louis said to the cashier who was a quite young girl, maybe in our age.

“Oh shit, hold on a sec” she said as spilled coffee on the counter, when she had dried up everything she looked up at us. “Oh hi, what can I get for you?”

“Two Frappuccino’s, one chai latte, three sandwiches and two chocolate muffins to go, please” Louis said smiling his angel smile that could melt any girls’ heart.

“Name?” she asked.

“Beyoncé” Louis said smirking at me and Harry who was trying to not laugh. I just rolled my eyes at him.

“Yeah, you got the booty” she said smiling at him and me and Harry burst out laughing at her comment.

“Give me high five that was the best comment I’ve ever heard” Harry said holding up his hand at the girl. She high fived Harry and smiled at Louis.

“Sorry, but I had to” she said looking at Louis.

“It’s okay love, I thought it was kind of funny” Louis said reassuringly.

We waited by the girls just talking about the boys’ upcoming album and if they were doing any gigs soon.

“Well, we’re going on a promo tour in a few months, we still have some things to record to our album” Harry replied.

“Beyoncé” the cashier yelled.

“I believe that’s us” Louis said smiling. “It was really nice chatting with you girls, bye”

“Would you like a picture?” I asked the girls when Louis had gone to get our order.

“Yes, thank you so much!” the blonde girl said. I took one of the girls’ phones and took a picture with each of them with Harry. After I was done they all got autographs by Harry and Louis.

“Can I have a photo with Caz and you?” the brunette asked.

“Sure, if that’s okay with you love?” Harry asked me.

“Yeah of course” I said as I winked over the girl so that she stood between me and Harry. We took one “nice” picture and one when Harry kissed her cheek and I was riding piggyback on Louis.

“What’s your Twitter names babes?” I asked as Harry and Louis walked in front of us.

“@cara_lovesyou, @bella_1D_malik and @kinghoran_8” the other brunette said.

“I’ll make sure to follow you and that Harry does to” I said smiling at them.

“Holy moly, thanks Caz you’re so sweet!” the blonde said. I really loved making others happy.

“I have to go now before they go without me, bye girls” I said as I jogged up Harry and Louis. “I like nice fans”

“Yeah, they’re pretty awesome” Harry said as he kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand. “so are you” he whispered in my ear.

“Where should we eat, Beyoncé?” I asked looking at Louis.

“You’re so funny Caz! But I was thinking that we’d sit in Hyde Park and just chill until we think of something better to do” Louis replied.

“Sounds like a great plan” Harry said.

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