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"Quick-witted lily"'s statement was a fish bait, it provoked other people's view. After few days, there was a lot of rumors regarding Lisa. It's from different internet users.

"Lisa, I remember you. You like to dress yourself as gorgeous dressed lady. You would walk while tidied up your hair. You would attract other men's gaze."

"A quick info, she had ever had vague relationship with many men. Outside the school, she also had boyfriends. They would bring motorcycles and waited for her at the school's gate, they even smoked."

"She also had broken a relationship of bookworm couple."

"There was once a fighting between men for her. Other schoolmates urged her to come to mediate the fight. She just said coldly, "what is the relation with me?", hehe.... I wouldn't forget it forever."

"I never interacted with her. I just heard that she had a very abnormal hobby. She would dissect frogs, oppressed rabbits. One time her schoolmate found a dead rabbit inside her school bag."

"She was quite arrogant, there's only few girls like her."

"I could bet ten thousand cucumber that relationship between Lisa and Jungkook wouldn't last for a long time. She could pretend for a short time, but couldn't be for forever. Wait until Jungkook realizes it that it would be a break up."

"It is said that Lisa's is really capable in that area, it is said by drunk her ex-boyfriend. Every men that ever tasted wouldn't be able to leave her so Jungkook would be wrapped around her tightly."

"Jungkook is her stepping stone. Wait until she could find the better one, 99% she would leave him."


It's all full of irresponsible statement, it's all completely false.

At first, Lisa didn't think too much about it, but she realized a lot of people mentioned her. Her comment section was full of rude remarks.

It's not just ruining her reputation for shooting the trailer, but it also refreshened about her high school days. It reminded her of Susan.

It's possible to be Susan's doing.

The start of senior high school, Lisa noticed that unexpected she was placed together with Susan in one class. Her heart was full of complains. But she still comforted herself, everyone would be concentrated in achieving great marks, they wouldn't make a childish action.

She didn't expect that Susan wouldn't think that way.

That time Susan got a low mark, she just gave up, she completely didn't have a heart to study, she just wanted to torture Lisa, and defeated her. At the beginning other female students found it strange, how could these two who were classmates before, were so hostile with each other? For this Susan just explained helplessly: "It's probably because of my ugly appearance, in the past Lisa is the most beautiful. Beautiful girl would only make friend with the beautiful one. She never talks with me."

That time clearly Susan showed a clear hostility, but it was seen as a humble act in front of the other female students. After that a lot of female students started to show respect to Lisa from a distance.

As for the bookworm couple, it was really unrelated to her. That couple was the female and male students from senior level. The woman called Hyeri, and the man called Shuzo. They were best students in the thirteen school. All of people approved their relationship.

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