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"YOU WILL GO. YOU WILL FIND THE FAIRY GODMOTHER. and you will bring me back her magic wand" maleficent explained as she filed her nails "easy-peasy". "whats in it for us ?" mal asked.

"matching thrones. hers-and-hers crowns" "i think she meant us" carlos spoke up. maleficent threw her nail file, it making a loud clattering noise. she gestured for mal to come closer and mal did just that. "its all about you and me, baby !"

at that moment elizabeth stopped paying attention, it wasn't anything she hadn't heard before from the two of them and the conversation didn't involve her at the moment, therefore she found it useless to listen to them.

she zoned out. making a mental list of pros and cons. the pros consisted of all the foods she would be able to try, especially if they were sweet. new clothes (?) a variety of new games to play. butterflies. but that was all the pros, the cons consisted of-

leaving the isle for first time. a strange new place. being alone in a sense and so many more. elizabeth was deep in thought when a tap on her shoulder caught her attention. "hm ?" she hummed. elizabeth turned around to see carlos.

"oh. hi !" "hey, are you okay ?" carlos asked "mhm !, just.. processing this new information we've received.." she turned back around. mal and her mother were having this weird, magical staring contest thing-

maleficent won, as always. "elizabeth !" her mother, the queen of hearts called for her in a sing-song tone of voice. elizabeth walked over to the chair her mother was seated in and stood in front of her. the queen pat her lap, silently telling her to sit down.

elizabeth sat down on her lap "tch, tch, tch. your hairs a mess !" she scolded her after pulling the hood of her red cloak down, the queen untied the red ribbon in her hair before grabbing a hair brush, begining to brush through the knots in elizabeth's hair.

elizabeth looked over to see maleficent holding her head in her hands. "well, they're not taking my carlos, because i'd miss him too much" cruella spoke. "really, mom ?" carlos said with a glimmer hope in his eyes "yes. who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur and scrape the bunions off my feet ?" cruella put her leg in his arms.

the hope in his eyes seemed to die entirely. "yeah, maybe a new school wouldn't be the worst thing" "carlos, they have dogs in auradon" his attitude seemed to change instantly. "no ! im not going !"

all the parents disagreed with the plan. the queen took the red ribbon and tied it into a bow in elizabeth's hair once more. "evie's not going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow. hmm ?" said the evil queen.

"elizabeth is not going. i do not want her around those idiots." "what is wrong with you all ?" maleficent said. "people used to cower at the mention of our names !"

"for twenty years, i have searched for a way off this island. for twenty years, they have robbed us from our revenge". "revenge on snow white and her horrible little men !" she said.

"revenge on aladdin and his bloated genie !" elizabeth flinched when jafar raised his wooden spoon in anger. "revenge on every sneaky dalmatian that escapes your clutches !" maleficent walked to cruella. "oh. but they didn't get the baby. they didn't get the- they didn't get the baby !" cruella cackled.

elizabeth and carlos looked at each other with wide eyes. '"cuckoo" she mouthed gesturing crazy with her finger and crossing her eyes. he smiled "little bit" he mouthed back.

"revenge on alice for escaping her sentence and those traitors for making your sister queen !" she watched as her mother's face turned cherry red. "off with her head !" the queen yelled, her grip tightening on elizabeth's arm causing her nails to dig into her skin. she managed to calm her mother down but her grip was still tight. "ma-ma, it hurts.." she whispered. "oh ! sorry darling" she loosened her grip

𝑯𝑬𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑺 𝑨𝑵𝑫 𝑹𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑺ꨄ︎ { Carlos De Vil}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora