Chapter One

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Azara groaned as she opened her eyes until they went wide. She quickly sat up and turned around back towards the door behind her, only to find that it had disappeared.

"No, no, no, no," she began to panic. "This can't be happening!" Azara quickly tried to calm herself down and took a deep breath. She looked around to see anything familiar to her but nothing did. Azara looked up and also saw that it was night as countless stars were in the sky.

"Okay, okay, no need to panic. You're in an unfamiliar place, completely lost. You're going to be fine," she tried to reassure herself, as she rocked herself back and forth. She laid back down on the cold ground, looking back at the starry sky above her.

"I'll just look in the morning when there's light out, to find out were I am. No use in stumbling around in the dark." Azara sighed as she tried to close her eyes, but she was completely restless and uncomfortable. She missed her warm bed, right now. She opened her eyes, again, looking up at the stars, watching them as they illuminated the night with their beautiful glow. She wished that the stars were like this back at home, if she was even on Earth in the first place.

Azara counted them to help her fall asleep when she noticed a strange constellation. It was in the shape of a circle with a weird symbol inside of it.

"Huh, must be a new constellation that nobody's heard of yet?" she murmured as she traced the shape with her finger. "I wonder what it's called." and booped as she finished, tracing the stars.

Suddenly, just as she finished tracing the constellation, a giant fire sprouted from her fingertips, transforming into a fire ball! Azara's eyes went wide, as she sat frozen, her mouth dropping, and she squawked as the fireball shot up into the night sky like a flare signal. Azara, still sat, frozen in disbelief as she watched the fire ball began to sail down. Magic, she had just done magic. But, there was no way, magic was not real. Not on Earth...

Then Azara slowly began to realize that she wasn't on Earth. If she is not on Earth, then she wasn't home. Just where was she?

Then Azara heard voices not to far of within the distance of the dense forest.

"What was that?! Was it the golden guard?!" she heard a shrill and annoying voice shouting.

"Please, Miss Kikimora, calm down. We'll go find out what it is." The voices didn't at all sound too friendly. Azara squeaked and quickly got up, running away from the voices, that were getting closer as they headed straight towards her location.

"Okay, that sounds like my cue to get the heck out of here!"

Not too far off, from where Azara was, and the other voices, another person was perched high up in the trees, laying back against a branch. It was a boy, with short blond-greyish hair with a long strand hanging down in front of his face, thick eyebrows, gapped tooth, a scar on the right side of his face and a small chip on his left ear, who was wearing armor, brown boots and gloves. He also was not alone as well. There was a small red cardinal bird, with a scar on it's left eye, resting on top of his head. The cardinal noticed something that was coming closer as it saw the giant fireball. It tweeted frantically and pulled on the boy's hair, trying to get his attention. He brushed the cardinal away with his hand.

"Stop that, get away from me!" he shouted. The cardinal still chirped, even more frantically, pulling harder, almost making the boy fall out of the tree. He quickly grabbed onto a branch, glaring in annoyance at the small bird.

"What is it with you?!" he yelled. "Why can't you just leave me alone!?"

Then he finally noticed the giant fireball that was hurling straight towards him. He yelled and let go of the branch, landing on his feet on the ground, just as the fire landed right where he was, engulfing it. It almost would have been him, if he hadn't dodged out of the way in time.

"What in the titan just happen?" he whispered in shock. "Who did that?!"

The small cardinal flew down, landing on his shoulder and let out an exhausted chirp.

Azara ran deeper into the woods. She felt her heart pounding, her side cramping as it hurt, and her chest burning running out of breath. Azara stopped bending over to catch her breath. She looked back behind her, and didn't see or hear anyone following her. She had finally lost whomever was chasing her. Azara sighed as she leaned against a tree.

"Finally..." she murmured, tiredly, as she closed her eyes.


Azara tensed up and she opened her eyes to see an owl face staring at her. Her eyes widen as she saw that it wasn't an normal owl, seeing that it had a long neck as it stretched out. She held her breath in, in fear, staring at the beast in front of her. The owl stared at her for a moment, before it spoke.

"A NEW FRIEND!!!" he screeched, excitedly, opening it's mouth wide and lunged at her. Azara screamed.

He ate her.

Azara cringed as she felt herself sliding down the owls throat until she felt a sudden rush as if she was being pulled back up. But, all she saw was darkness. Then she heard voices.

"Hooty, no! Not in the house!"

Then Azara finally saw a bright blinding light. She hoped that it was the good kind and not the bad. She groaned and sat up, only to cringe in disgust, almost wanting to puke, especially from the smell, to find out that she was inside of an owl pellet. She saw that she was in an living room of some sorts until she heard someone answer. Azara turned her head when she noticed that she wasn't alone in the room.

She saw a older woman with long grey hair and white streaks, a gold fang, gold and silver eye, wearing a dark red dress with long sleeves and a small black gem on the center of her chest. Next to her, was a small creature, what Azara assumed to herself looked like a dog, but it had a skull covering most of his head, two horns, yellow eyes with red scleras, and wearing a small red collar around his neck. Then finally, Azara noticed the girl standing next to him. She had short brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a purple and white striped shirt, shorts, and long leggings. Azara's eyes widen when she saw that the girl was a human, too! The girl smiled nervously and waved.

"Uh, hola? I'm Luz," she friendly greeted, as she introduced herself. "What's your name?"

Azara groaned as she felt the last of strength leave her and she collapsed on the floor. "Ugh..."

"That's a weird name," the small demon laughed, as he commented, while everyone stared in worry at the unconscious girl in the living room.

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