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I was sitting on a log infant of a fire trying to warm up before I head of to sleep when I heard someone screaming, others around me just ignored it like it was nothing but I couldn't I got up and followed the noise.

I came across a small girl with blonde hair lying against a log screaming, she was having a nightmare. "NO,NO!" the girl shouted and I knelt beside her shaking her softly to try and wake her up.

She soon shot up and we came face to face she looked like she was about 12 maybe 11 years old, way to young to be here "Its okay it was just a bad dream. it okay" I said softly in a tone I only used with my family and Clarke and of course recently Octavia.

I looked at her and felt so bad for her she was all alone and although Fahd Clarke I could relate to her "What to talk about it?" I asked softly she looked at me I the eyes as if seeing if she could trust me and took a deep breath "Its my parents, they were floated... and I see them every time I fall asleep" she chocked up towards the end so I sat down next to her and pulled her into my side and told her she didn't have to continue and I didn't mind just sitting with her for a bit so that's what we did until she poke up again "I got arrested for attacking the guards when my mother and farther was floated" 

I looked down and saw her eyes glazed with sleep and tears and nodded "We have more in common than I first thought" She looked up at me confused so I spoke again before she could say anything "My mom was floated as well, I had to watch her and I just felt so angry and it was like a flip switched and I took it out on the anyone nearby... Thats why I was arrested" 

I could tell that, that made her feel more comfortable as she relaxed and gripped my jacket as if I was going to disappear. She spoke so softly that I could barely hear he "Does it get better as time goes on" I looked down and gave her a sad smile before looking at the stars "Not really, im filled with this rage that's coursing through me every second of the day and the pain is still there, but it does fade a littlel....But never leaves" she nodded and sighed.

"Thankyou" was the last thing she said before falling  to sleep in my arms, I stayed with her for a while to make sure she didn't wake up for a bit before I heard Jaspers screaming and groaning and decided to go and check up on him.

Walking up to the drop ship I could hear jaspers screaming and I could see many people outside starting to get aggravated, as I got inside I saw octavia run up to the ladder that leads to the second level of the drop ship and go up it quickly.

I went up after her and saw her about to lunge at Clarke so I held her back as she shouted "Stop it!, you're killing him" I was holding her by her waist as she thrashed against me. "She's trying to save his life" Finn said this seemed to calm down so I let her go and we both walked up to jasper.

Bellamy then busts through "She can't" he said walking up to Clarke Wells took his place in front of Clarke and replied "back off Bellamy" in a strict tone. Clarke shook her head and said "We didn't drag him through the woods just for him to die" Bellamy just shook his head and chuckled lowly "The kids a goner if none of you can see that you are all deluded".

Clarke scoffs and says "I'm sorry if jasper is an nuisance for you, but this isn't the ark down here every life matters" Bellamy goes to step forward but is pushed back by Finn as im still over the other side of the room by Octavia he replies again with " take a look at him Clarke the kids a lost cause" .

This is pissing me the fuck off I can't stay quiet anymore I really tried "Blake you are getting on my last nerve is Clarke says that she can save him then I have no doubt that she is capable" before moving from my position by octavia and dabbing a wet cloth over jaspers head. You could practically feel the tension I the room as the two so called leaders carry on with this argument, I don't tune back in until octavia speaks up.

The Ground- Octavia BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now