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"We're back bitchesss!!!!" 

Everyone fled outside cheering and just having fun general but my full attention was on the raven haired girl that made a pretty big statement with a smile on my face watching as her and her brother hugged at looked around the new area.

I only took my eyes away from her when Clarke nudged me and asked "are you planning to leave the drop ship or do you want me to just stand here with you can catch the drool that's coming from your mouth" with a laugh I quickly wiped may mouth making Clarke laugh even harder before replying with "shut up you don't know what your talking about" and walking off the drop ship ramp and on to the soft soil taking in my surroundings.

I breathed in and turned to Clarke with a goofy grin and laughed as she stepped foot on the dirt and ran towards me jumping into my arms. We both laugh and just take a moment for ourselves before things start to sink in.

The trees and grass are so green actually all of the colours are just so bright on the ark all the colour you would see around was greys and washout blues and reds no and again. while looking around at the place we landed at I notice Clarke already located a map and start working. I was about to go and help her when my eyes meet a certain blue-green pair and we just stay like that until I hear my name being called and feeling myself being dragged away from the spot I was on. 

I looked over Clarke shoulder to see what she was doing but she turned at looked at me as if to say back the fuck up and quickly nodded and sat on the ramp waiting to hear what's on her mind. That is until Wells came up to us and starting talking to Clarke.

"we got problems the communication system is dead, I went to the roof and a dozen panels are missing heat fried the wires" okay I can tell this is going to be a boring convo and started playing with the ring on my index finger that spins, it was gift from my mother when we first found out I had ADHD.

I only focused back into the convocation when a pale boy with goggles on his head came up to us now this guy looks like he knows how to have fun, I need a bit of that spending time with My DaDs ThE cHaNcElLor wells. "Ah. cool map, they got a bar in this town ill buy you a beer" the goggle boy said I like him already I let out a small laugh along with Clarke and you could she the jealously in wells eyes after he made her laugh.

Something in wells suddenly snapped and he started pushing the boy away from Clarke " you mind?" wells said with a serious look on his face this kid man I stood up and went over to the goggle boy and stood in-between him and wells "Come on wells, what's with the sour face we just landed on freaking earth" and pushed him backwards. he was about to reply when another boy from the drop ship came over this one I recognised though it was Murphy ugh I nearly hated him as much as wells. 

"Hey.hey.hey hands off of him, he's with us" Murphy said as him and a group of lost little puppies snapped at his heels. " relax, we're just trying to figure out where we are" wells replied with his hands in the air. This statement though caught the attention of the Blake siblings, as Bellamy said "we're on the ground is that not good enough for you?"

Everyone from the drop ship started crowding around us now and I took a protective step in-front of Clarke just incase anything happens. Wells spoke again putting on his chancellor voice and said "We need to find mount weather, you heard my fathers message, that has to be out first priority" Here we go again with the daddy knows best speech that I have heard lots over the years of being friends with Clarke and I wanted to do something that goes against his rules.

Clarke decided now would be a perfect time to step out from behind me and follow wells as he walks up the the Blakes. Octavia spoke up "Screw your farther, what you think your in charge here. You and your little princess?" okay that was hot.. wait pull yourself together Skylar. 

"Do you think we care who's in charge, we need to get to mount weather not because the chancellor said so but because the longer we wait the hungrier we will get and the harder this will be" Clarke said and I was little impressed with her speech it was a lot better than wells.

But as I was about the congratulate Clarke Bellamy spoke " I've got a better idea you two go find it for us, let the privilege do the hard work for a change" I look around and everyone was agreeing to this on shit here we go. Wells shook his head and said " your not listening we all need to go" but his speech was cut short after Murphy barged past Clarke nearly tripping her and pushes wells. 

"look at this everybody chancellor of earth" Murphy said as he pushed him again I'm not gonna lie I was enjoying this, this was payback for everything he's ever done. before I could think more Clarke grasped my hand as I heard wells fall to the floor and Murphy stalk closer to him. Clarke looked up at me as I was about 6" with her big blue eyes and silently begged me to help him, after everything he's done she still cares. so I sighed deeply and push her back as I walked over to where wells and Murphy was having it out. And came behind Murphy kicking the back of his knees and as he fell to the floor elbowed him in the nose. The crowd around us went silent both boys lying on the floor.

"The guys got one leg, how about you wait until its a fair fight?" I looked him up and down and he backed up. I then looked back at wells to see he has a hand up for me to pull him up is he serious I slapped his hand back down and said " I saved your ass for Clarke, she didn't ask I would have let him beat you for what you have done".

The Ground- Octavia BlakeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora