Chapter 3

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"I wish that Mother and Father were still alive." Muichiro blurted out to his twin, who was walking home beside him. "Maybe we could go to school without being teased of not having parents..." Hands tightened on his backpack straps, as his head was hung low. "I just... want to be with them both again."

Yuichiro sighed, gears in his head turning to come up with a decent answer towards his twin's distress. "Don't listen to them. They don't know what they're talking about." Was the best he could come up with.

The two walks home, the golden glow from the sunset casting shadows behind them. Yuichiro snuck side-glances towards his twin, couldn't help but worry a little over him.

"Are you okay?" The sudden concerned question brought Muichiro to stare at him. "Don't think that I didn't notice how you've acted lately. It's quite noticeable." It wasn't like Yuichiro was paying heavy attention towards his twin just to notice these changes either. Muichiro turned away, but not quick enough, for, his twin could see the look in his eyes; which told him a story of sorrow.

"I'm fine, I just want our parents back, that's all." K.T.'s story brought those feelings back. To think that someone was losing their parents to cancer... Would he be called selfish if he were to think about his own loss of parents?

That kind of sadness was the only thing that Muichiro could think of.

It distracted him from his life; from his classes, from his time spent with uncle and his twin, even capturing his attention when he was alone.

Whomever K.T. was, the most he could do was hope that now, they were living a nicer life somewhere else. Since the book seemed to be written a while back—or so he thought—K.T. must be living a better lifestyle by now, right?

Time doesn't stop when something tragic happens.

Yuichiro just nods, "So... how's that diary-type book you're reading? Is it good?" He asks, hoping to change the topic of their parents to something that Muichiro would enjoy talking about. What he didn't know, was that was the book that caused Muichiro to miss his parents. "What is it about?"

Muichiro just gives a soft smile at his twin's attempt at changing the topic, "Yeah, it's good. It's about someone with the initials of... K.T., they are the eldest in a family of 5 siblings... and two parents." He noticed his twin's smile had faltered—just a little. "The story explains that," He hesitated. "K.T.'s got a happy family. A loving mother and father who—"

"And then?" Yuichiro couldn't help but cut his twin off.

"From what I've read so far, his father's gotten cancer. And they don't have enough money to treat it, and so, they're sad and crying..." The type of look that Muichiro owned when he spoke those words stirred a type of restlessness in Yuichiro's chest.

Those words left Yuichiro speechless, no wonder Muichiro was so fixated on their deceased parents.

"Anyways, I heard that uncle was making pies for when we arrive home. You like the pies that uncle makes, don't you? C'mon let's go." Yuichiro was never the best at comforting others, especially when it was his twin he was talking to. Because every time he'd see his twin, he couldn't help but be reminded of his parents' passing.

Muichiro once asked for their parents so much that he couldn't help but shout at him; that their parents were dead. Gone, never coming back. He could never forget the horrified, broken look Muichiro's eyes presented him.

Yuichiro regretted doing that, but it was already too late to stop himself.

Muichiro couldn't sleep without knowing that Yuichiro and his uncle were right beside him. Sticking with uncle even when he was cooking dinner because he was just so afraid. This lasted for a week before he gradually realized that they weren't going to leave him.

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