Chapter 21 - One Month Later

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I stare down at the two lines glaring back at me. In a matter of three minutes I'm delivered a life sentence. A life forever in Michael's grips. I'm not quite sure how I should feel. Should I be happy? I mean I've always wanted to be a mum. Is it even Michael's? It's got to be, I'm just being stupid. How will Michael react? He was ecstatic last time, but last time we didn't have the issues we do now. Last time I didn't make him as angry as I do now. Do I want this child? Will it help my marriage? Will I be a good mum if I can't be a good wife?

My head feels light from the turmoil of questions I cannot answer. I cling to the sink to steady myself, feeling faint all of a sudden. How did this happen? Well, I know HOW obviously - so I guess I'm asking myself WHY did I let this happen.

I feel a numbness; like my emotions can't quite decide which is to be victor. I pull my phone from my jeans pocket and hit Michael's name. It rings continuously with no answer. Shit. I don't want to think about what he's up to right now on yet another overtime shift. I punch in a brief text. "Come home as soon as you can. I need to tell you something." Without thinking I hit send and breathe.

This will fix us. I'm sure of it. For now I need to empty my stomach of my breakfast. This is going to be one hell of a long pregnancy. I can already tell.

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