Chapter 17

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I can't stand to hear Andrew cry. To be the reason for his pain and anguish. It's my turn to stroke his hair and comfort him. I don't know what to do to make this right. Do I lie again? Tell him I'll see someone when I know I'm not going to do that? What if I did do that? What would happen then? Michael would be furious, that much is certain. Would anyone even believe me? Your husband can't rape you Miss. I can hear the doubt and disbelief in their voices already. Was it rape? I said no, more than once. But as Michael said, I belonged to him. That's what dutiful wives do. They please their husbands and produce children to carry forth his name. No. Reporting it would be futile and useless. I won't do that. So again I wonder, what can I do? 

Andrew straightens up, drying his face, which is now blotchy. I look at him, really look at him. At the little chickenpox scar above his right eyebrow.  The slight crookedness to his front teeth, something he hates but I love. The crows feet wrinkles making home on his face, showing his age. Little flecks of black in his light brown eyes. I've got to lie. To make him feel better. 

"I'll report it, I'll head to the police station after work"

Andrew holds a hand out to me, which I take without thinking. His hands are rough against my own. Together we stand before I'm pulled into Andrew's arms once more. I breathe a sigh, relieved that he appears to have bought this little white lie. He whispers to me and my heart sinks. I can't have heard right surely?

"What?" I ask, hoping for an answer I know isn't going to come.

"I said there's no point waiting that long, I'll take you there now. You don't have to do this alone Millie"

On the outside, I know my composure is much more put together than I feel inside. Inside I am freaking out. This can't be happening. I can't go through with this. I'm not given an opportunity to decline the offer. Before I can put a cohesive thought together, Andrew is directing me out of my office and speaking to Lizzie on my behalf. Everything goes by in a blur as we head to his car, my Mini Cooper left lonely in the car park. Andrew straps me in to the passenger seat as though I'm a four year old child. And just like that, we begin the silent ride to the police station.

I'm Sorry, I love youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora