Chapter 5 - Mustafar

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If there's a fic you'd like us to write, I have a SW fic request form which you can fill out. We'll gift write all the requests we get... eventually. :D The link is as follows, but with no spaces: forms . gle / rmXWtRomMMaULuPa6

We also made a tribute for Anakin on our new YT channel. Check it out if you're interested. :P Again, no spaces in the link: youtu . be / T9hdVkokQa4

Just... as a side-comment. I'm not really satisfied with how the fic turned out, and I don't want to rewrite it, so I'm not going to. I still feel like the end was a bit rushed, because I'll be basically skipping to the climax after this chapter. I just... really don't think this fic deserves much attention. Lol.

~ Amina Gila

Vader isn't happy in the least with Leia's insistence that she and her smuggler friend accompany him and Luke, but maybe it won't be all bad. He lets himself cautiously hope that maybe he'll be able to use the opportunity to develop a relationship with his daughter. She won't be able to constantly avoid him when they reach their eventual destination. First, they need to pick up Master Yoda from Dagobah.

He's not surprised that the old troll is still alive, and while he's far from fond of the Jedi, he isn't stupid enough to refuse any assistance that he can get in the fight against Sidious. If he plays his cards right, they should be able to get the upper hand in the coming confrontation. But they need time to prepare, and since Leia will be there, he'll be insistent that she receive training too; maybe Luke can show her the lightsaber forms.

Vader stands outside the Falcon, silently studying the ship while waiting for everyone to be ready. Thankfully, he doesn't have anything to pack. Luke is only one who isn't ready; he's still getting his possessions together in his quarters. "General?" He nearly starts at the voice, reaching out with the Force to ascertain the identity of the man who approached him. The man's hair is white with age, but he still seems familiar...

"Rex?" Despite the vocoder, Vader's surprise is clear. He'd wondered many times what had happened to his old clone captain, especially because he felt that the man was still alive. He considers demanding that Rex stop addressing him as "General," but decides against it. The surviving clones, who guard his fortress on Mustafar, often use that title. He's not General Skywalker anymore, but that's who he used to be, and they've never forgotten.

Rex smiles slightly, obviously pleased. "Permission to come with you, sir?"

"Why would you want to come?" Vader queries, giving him an incredulous look. If Rex thinks that he is willing to have a chat about old times, the clone is sorely mistaken.

"You were my General," Rex explains without the slightest hesitation, "And I've missed fighting with you." Ironic. That didn't seem to stop him from fighting against Vader.

"You may come if you wish," he replies indifferently. Although, he supposes Rex would probably be happy to see his surviving brothers. Cody is now the commander of the security on Mustafar, and that's the only place Vader will feel completely safe, out of his former master's prying eyes. He prepared the fortress to be a personal hideout, much as he detests the planet. The Dark Side is strong there, making it the most convenient location.

Rex nods before moving off to speak with the smuggler. Vader definitely doesn't approve of his daughter's association with the man, but he's hardly in a position to say anything. He's still considered it though. Maybe a threat would not be remiss after all. That train of thought is cut off when he senses his son's approach through the Force. "I'm ready!" Luke yells as he races up, panting, holding two bags.

"Took you long enough, kid," Solo grumbles good-naturedly, before waving a hand at the ship. "C'mon. Let's get going."


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