A Friend

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Summary: When Aleksander was eleven he meets an unexpected ally. Anna(Anya) Konstantinovna is a squaller that helps him. 

Aleksander was running. His legs carrying him deeper into the woods. He should have listened to his mother; his stubbornness would be the death of him one day. "He went this way. Come on!" He hears the men from the village shout. Aleksander runs faster adrenaline coursing through his veins. A thumping sound makes the little boy look to his left. An ax has been embedded in the tree. Looking behind him he can see the men gaining on him. 

"Don't let him get away!" They call after him. Aleksander slides undeath a fallen tree as arrows impale its trunk. He dodges arrows and axes as they are thrown. Zigzagging behind trees and shrubs. The multicolor leaves make the forest floor slippery. The little boy looks back noticing his pursuers falling behind, he grins only to trip and fall face-first on the forest floor. 

Scrambling he gets back up. Shadows skitter around him. One of his pursuers lunges tackling him to the ground. Aleksander's chin slams against the ground, pain shoots up his jaw. The man flips him around hovering on top of him.  A powerful gust of wind blows the man off of Aleksander. He slams into a tree thirty feet away with a sickening crunch. The man slowly slides down the trunk. "Do your legs work? We've got to keep moving?" A squeaky voice calls from behind Aleksander. The boy quickly stands up brushing off a few leaves. He turns toward the voice. 

A girl that seems to be around his age is standing there. Her hands still up, piercing brown eyes scanning the tree line behind him. "Well? Are you mute?" She asks exasperated. "No I'm not mute," He retorts crossing his arms. She crosses her chocolate color arms mimicking his stance. "Don't just stand there pouting," she snaps turning to jog away. "wait your Grisha too?" Aleksander questions. "Saints why don't you say that a little louder. It's no like we have the entire village after us!" She hisses at him. 

He takes her hostility with stride, "What's your name? Mine is Aleksander Morozova," He tells her as they step over a fallen tree. "Anna Konstantinovna but my friends call me Anya or at least they would if I had any friends," She replies pushing a branch back allowing it to snap back into place hitting the little boy in the face. 

"So Anya-" He starts 

"I said my friends call me Anya," She interjects. 

"You don't have any friends," He retorts. She glares at him. He raises his hands in surrender. 

"Your words not mine." She merely rolls her eyes. 

"You'd be my first friend too," He says solemnly. 

"We are not friends." 

"Then why did you save me?" 

"Just because we're not friends doesn't mean I'm going to let someone die just because they were born different. Especially if they are different like me." 

"But I'm not like you at least not entirely." 

"Yeah but your still Grisha and I can't let innocent Grisha die." 

"huh, how old are you?" 

"Eleven why?" 

He shrugs, "it's just that seems like an awful lot of responsibility for an eleven-year-old." 

"Maybe but my mother always told me to stand up for what I believe and I don't think Grisha should be hunted simply for being." 

"I don't like Grisha being hunted either." Anya stops walking causing Aleksander to crash into her. 

"I'll tell you what why don't we form a pact." 

"A pact?" 

"It means a deal or agreement of some sort." 

"I know what it means," He grumbles. 

"From now on let's promise to protect each other and work together to build a safer world for Grisha to live in." 

"One where Grisha don't have to live in fear," Aleksander adds; She nods her agreement. 

"I, Anya Konstantinovna swear to protect thee Aleksander Morozova and any other Grisha that I can and to work towards building a better place for Grisha to live," She vows. Holding out her hand. 

"I, Aleksander Morozova swear to protect thee Anya Konstantinovna and any other Grisha that I can and to work towards building a safer place for Grisha," He vows. Reaching to shake her outstretched hand, but before he can she pulls away. 

"Shall we seal it in blood?" He looks at her incredulously. Anya bends down scooping up a particularly jagged rock. She drags it across her palm causing blood to pool out of it. She hands it to Aleksander who does the same to his own palm. 

"Friends then?" He asks holding out his hand. She smiles at him shaking his hand, "Friends." 

Author's note

Hey Guys! 

so I know it has been a really long time since I've uploaded a new chapter and I'm so sorry about that but I have updated and edited the old ones so if you want to check those out again you can. Don't be afraid to vote or comment. Please interact it means a lot to me when you do. Part of the reason why I'm so busy is I am working on writing a book. It is an Aleksander Morozova fanfiction I have written the first few chapters and I'm just going through the process of editing and then they should be out soon, so it would mean the world to me if you guys could go check it out once it's posted> Anyways I hope you all have a great day/night and I hope to see you all soon. Bye! 

                                    - K

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