The Starlight Angel

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This story is inspired by a tweet I saw on Instagram. This takes place when Aleksander was little and he would see an angel with starlight skin, snow-white hair, brown eyes that would come to chase out the darkness. The name of the character is Valentina (Valya) Petrovich

Aleksander curled himself into a ball pulling the blanket tighter around himself. Desperate to get away from the shadows curling around the edges. The little boy could feel his heart pounding as the smokey tendrils made grotesque faces. The quiet night sky drowning him. She was supposed to come, why wasn't she here yet? As soon as the thought had left his mind a soft glow appeared outside his window. Valya made her way through the window with a grace he had only seen her wield. 

"Hello Aleks," she whispers climbing onto the cot as the little boy sits up. "Hi," he greets excitedly scooting closer to the woman. Her golden halo of light illuminating the cramped bedroom. Noticing this she opens her arms allowing him to scramble into them so he is situated on her lap. "Now tell me what has you up at this late hour of the night?" She inquires softly. He doesn't meet her gaze instead opting to focus on his small hand twirling a platinum coil lock. A soft hand rests on his chin turning his face towards her own. "Are you still afraid of your shadows?" She questions, her chocolate eyes warm, unlike Baghra's cold black ones. 

He nods sheepishly pale fingers playing with her hair again. She gives a faint chuckle, "your shadows are not something to be afraid of." Aleksander looks up at her his grey eyes wide. "But Mother says I would be hunted and killed for my shadows!" He squeaks, "You have been blessed with-" He cuts her off "blessed! I have to move constantly from one city to the next for fear of being discovered and hanged. This blessing sounds more like a curse to me," He grumbles tiny hands forming into fists.  Valya lays a hand on top of his; gently rubbing circles with the hand on his back. "Yes, but those men do not get to live long lives or be as powerful as you or me." She sighs, "I know it feels like a burden but I believe that should you not have been able to carry it the saints would not have given it to you." 

"But it's not fair! Why should Grisha be hunted like dogs just because we obtain powers!" He cries anger bubbling. 

"It is because we are different, that we are hunted. Men fear what they do not understand much like you," Valya says. 

"I am nothing like those men" Aleksander cries indignantly. 

"The Grisha and okasatz'ya are more alike than they realize." 

"Bah, the Grisha are nothing like the measly okasatz'ya rats. They should be the ones being hunted, insufferable vermin." He leers a dark scowl resting on his small face. 

"Aleksander! I will not stand to have you think such cruel and twisted thoughts," Valya exclaims her voice stern. His head snaps around so that he is facing her once again his mouth slightly a gap. She had never raised her voice at him before. "That is the logic of a fickle old woman that has seen far too much hate for her to expect anything less. Not you," She explains her voice like honey.  

"They may hunt us but they are still human and humans deserve to be treated as such, even if they forget that themselves," She tells him. The little boy huffs crossing his arms over his chest.  " Oh, *moy tenevoy prints don't pout" She smiles at him pushing back a strand of charcoal hair from his eyes. "The world can be dangerous especially for Grisha which is why you must learn to protect yourself. When the time comes your shadows may be what saves your life." Aleksander scoffs at that not noticing that throughout their conversation Valya slowly calls her halo back the light receding back into her. 

*my shadow prince in Russian*

"Your shadows feed into the darkness and they are a part of you. Do not be afraid of them for then you are afraid of yourself and a man that is afraid of himself is of no use to those around him nor himself," She whispers the light receding so far she can only see his piercing grey eyes and him her chocolate ones. Slowly the light dimmed and went out, immediately Alkesander clutched tightly onto Valya's arm. She let out a low chuckle, "it is ok moy tenevoy prints I'm still here. You are safe." Gently she runs a pale hand through his hair softly singing. *The song above is the lullaby Valya sings to little Aleksander* 

After a few minutes, he starts to relax as his eyelids become too heavy. "Are you scared now?" Valya asks in between singing. The little boy shakes his head already slipping into a deep slumber. His shadows dancing soothingly around him. "Do not be afraid for I will always be with you to chase out the dark. I promise," She tells his sleeping form. Laying him down underneath the covers Valentina presses a soft kiss to his forehead before slipping out into the bitter night air. 

Author's Note

Hey guys! 

 I'm back I know it has been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry. I will try to update more in the future. As always I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you so much for sticking with me so far! Please don't be afraid to comment or vote or just let me know you're there. I promise I don't bite.  I apologize for any spelling mistakes especially the Russian terms or names. Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day/night! 


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