Running (Part 1)

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Lydia Stepanova is an extremely powerful heartrender who runs away from the Darkling when she discovers he is not the man he claims to be. This story takes place a few years before the events of the first Shadow and bone book.

   My breath comes out ragged, my legs on fire. I look back to see the darkness rapidly tailing me. I sprint harder, I can't -won't- go back. Dead leaves crunch underfoot as I pass through the brush. The bare branches claw at the tatters of my clothes. Panting I splash through a small stream, tripping over an uprooted tree root. I tumble down a hill, rocks scraping my already torn skin, the world a racing blur. Once I stop rolling I jump to my feet, there is a large gash on my knee. Dark liquid pools out of it down my leg but I can't afford to stop so I just keep going. When I look back the shadows are just barely at the top of the slope. I grin and look for a place to hide, to my fortune I spot the hollow trunk I used to hide in as a child. I hadn't realized I had gone so far, damn him for being so persistent.

   To the untrained eye, this trunk would appear perfectly fine, not hollow as it is. Ducking inside I try to steady my breathing, my heart still pounding. I pray to the saints he doesn't have a heart render, I'll be screwed if he does. Darkness floods my eyes rendering me blind. I hear the cracking of twigs and I hold my breath. "You can't escape me, Lydia," He says softly making my skin crawl. Watch me I want to shout but I swallow back the words refusing to answer his taunts. Now he is close enough I can hear his breathing, to my satisfaction, it's ragged like my own. I watch him leave the darkness receding with him.

  I step out of the trunk, my eyes trailed on where the Darkling had just left. A cold hand covers my mouth, I bite down on it tasting salty blood. The owner recoils letting out a low string of curses, I elbow them hard in the stomach. I whirled around ready to fight when I recognize the blonde locks and hazel eyes of the boy doubled over in front of me. "Nikolai," a breath of relief escapes me. "Nice to see you too love," He wheezes. I engulf him in a hug, relishing the security I feel in his arms. My happiness soon turns to worry. "What the hell are you doing here Kolya?" he releases me shrugging. 

"I couldn't just let him hunt you could I," he replies walking in the opposite direction the Darkling left. 

"That's sweet but idiotic. You know he'll kill you if he catches us," I scold. 

"Then I won't get caught," He remarks. I huff punching him in the arm. "No, you have to go," I say sternly.

"Look I know your concerns but I'm here now and I am not going to leave you."

"Do you not understand the gravity of the situation?"

"I'm well aware of the risk,"

"Then Why?"

"What's life without a little risk?" I roll my eyes at him. "Nikolai you mean too much for Ravka to be killed now."

"So do you. I will not sit idly by while you are hunted like some kind of animal by some deranged General!"

"You don't have much of a choice" I whisper. He huffs a pale hand runs through his hair. We stare at each other for a few minutes before Nikolai stiffens. A few heartbeats pass then I hear it too.

  Twigs snapping on my left, I whirl my head to the sound and my heart drops. A heartrender has his hands up searching for our heartbeats. Without thinking I raise my hand his body stiffening at the motion. I can feel the pounding of his heart as I crush it. Blood pools out of the heartrender's eyes and mouth; I face Nikolai an understanding passing between us. He gives me a rib-crushing hug pressing a gun to my palm. "I'll miss you Koyla," I whisper before pulling back. His eyes misting he turns around and runs away. I turn and run in the opposite direction pausing after putting enough distance between us. I scan my surrounding trying to get my bearings.

  The darkness comes back starting to pool on the edge of the forest, I'm running again. Feet pounding against the ground, branches snapping in our wake. The trees start to thin and I realize too late what it means. I skid to a stop as the forest gives way to the ledge of a cliff, the sea waves crashing against the rocks underfoot. Darkness pools by my feet, "Nowhere left to run *malen'kiy*." I cringe at his words. I clutch my side, the forgotten pain of the volcra's cut catching up to me. "Join me, we could rule together as equals," His words float out to me.

*little one in Russian*

  The smell of pine and ash fills my nostrils. I breathe the smell deeply remembering the days I felt comforted by the scent. I turn to face him, he is close enough where I have to crane my neck to look him in the eyes. His slate eyes meet mine before taking in my ragged appearance. My traitorous eyes dart down to his pink lips. "Even if I said yes and did all that you asked we would never be equals. You're too much a coward to have anyone be your equal," I leer. His knife slips into my stomach. "If you will not be my equal then you will be my slave," He growls. " Oh Aleksander, you know I'm too stubborn for that," I whisper before jumping off the ledge. As I fall I can hear his incredulous calls before I hit the water.

Author's Note

Hey, guys thanks for reading my stories! I hope you enjoyed this one and the others to come. If you guys have any requests just comment on what you want to see and I will try to do that. Anyways thanks again for reading and I hope you enjoy it! 

- K 

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