When I came out of the room, Vi and Sam both were still asleep in the same position as before. Quickly, I scribbled a note for them saying that I left for office and went downstairs in my car. With just five minutes to spare, I reached office parking lot and breathed a sigh of relief for reaching on time. I said my regular 'Good Mornings' to Mel and Claire and went in my office. The first thing I did was made strong coffee for myself to relieve some pain in my body and also to avoid the massive headache that was about to be.

Note to myself 'Never have a movie night during office days.'

Nathan wasn't in the office since past two days. He went to Florida to attend a wedding with his family as well as for a meeting which was scheduled for two months later but he decided to schedule it early and get it done with it. He really is a workoholic just like the rumours I heard but it's not easy to run such an empire without being dedicated and compassionate to your work. Honestly, I admire him as a businessman for these qualities. Though Parker Industries was started by his father; but Nathan had expanded it all over the world and took it to the Zenith.

Anyways, since he isn't here, normal people would think my work pressure would be less but it's the contrary instead. He had already assigned me two presentations to make while simultaneously checking sales and product report of this month and make a summary of it before he returns. Also, I need to review three contracts for upcoming deals while simultaneously editing it; that is if required. My regular work that is attending his calls, maintaining his schedule for the day and post ponding the meetings with the client since he isn't here; is there as well. Perks of working in a World's best multinational company, I guess.

I was able to complete reviewing two contracts till lunch time and decided to have my lunch in the office only since I wasn't in the mood to go out and socialize with people. I texted Mel and Claire to let them know that I won't be able to join them for lunch and ordered Mc Meal for myself. Eating junk food would lift my mood a bit; sounds weird but it works for me. The rest of the day went by in a blur and I was able to complete some of the work. I had already emailed Nathan the changes required to be made in the contracts to know his opinion and later type it out, instead of calling him though I badly wanted to hear his voice and talk to him.

'Stop behaving like a love sick teenager Ari.' I mentally scolded myself. He was expected to return today itself by evening. Though, I don't know if his plans might have changed or not. I shrugged my shoulders at that thought.

As soon as I came home, it was already 5:15pm. I decided to take a hot shower and changed into a long t-shirt with socks since no one was home. We had decided to go out at 7:30 pm to some fancy ass restaurant and later at the club since today is Friday which means no office for two days meaning we can party. I kept my phone on silent and then decided to take a nap for some time; while listening to soft guitar tunes. I woke up with something or rather someone shaking me. I groaned and pushed my face more into the pillow and snuggled in it while puling the comforter on me to block the lights. I felt peace and a sigh of bliss escaped my lips but my moment was lived short as my comforter was snatched from me and I was shaken hard out of my sleep.

I opened my eyes grogilly and looked at the person to snatch my sleep was none other than Vi. I glared at her and told her to let me sleep for some time.

'More like you literally whined at her like a baby, Aria' My inner mind said to me.

Sometimes I so wish to shut up my inner mind. Vi snapped her fingers in front of me and said,

"Your alarm has been ringing for the past 20 minutes. Get up we need to get ready and meet Sam at the restaurant as well. So hurry up, sleeping beauty."

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