I was terrified of the Grounders, even though we were going to create a truce, but I was more desperate to find Bellamy. 

"Bellamy!" I screamed over the howling of wind. My hair stuck to my face, and I wiped at it frustratedly. I kept running, even tough my lungs burned. "Bellamy! Where are you?"

After a couple more moments, I turned again, heading for the river, but I slammed into something hard. A tree? I had no idea. The impact was startling, and my vision blurred as rain entered my eyes. I rebounded off of whatever I ran into, and felt the uneven ground meet my back. I stayed still, shocked and recovering from the impact. I was winded.

"Clarke? Clarke! What the hell? What the fuck are you doing out here?" 

Someone was screaming my name, and it took me a minute for it to register. I groaned involuntarily, arching my body and rolling off of my sore back. I wheezed a little, before I turned my head to stare at Bellamy.

"A 'hello' might have been nice, since I came to help your sorry ass," I retorted. He was hovering over me, his eyes wide with shock and fear.

"God dammit, Clarke. You're not safe here," he snapped, running a hand through his wet hair. I struggled to sit upright, and I winced as I prepared my self to stand. Bellamy stood up before me, and grabbed my waist to help. 

I didn't even have to do anything as he hauled me to my feet. I didn't know what was happening until I felt his strong arms wrap around my shoulders. I hugged him back immediately, my face pressed into his soaked shirt.

He held me out at arms length, staring at me worriedly.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I thought you were a tree, though." He smirked.

"It's all muscle, Princess."

I shook my head disbelievingly. I attempted to look annoyed and disapproving, but I couldn't hide the amused grin from forming. I recovered quickly and shoved his shoulder.

"Let's go find your sister, yeah?" I changed the subject eagerly, starting to walk past him. My gun brushed against his side, and he gripped my shoulder suddenly.

I was spun towards him, his hands reaching for the gun. He tugged it up and off from around my body, and the strongly chucked it away from us. I tipped my head questioningly.

"That was metal Clarke. I'm surprised you didn't get struck by lightening!" Bellamy yelled at me. I glanced down, guilty. He was right. That was incredibly dumb. I was usually better than that. I couldn't believe I was so stupid to bring a metal object with me during a thunder storm!

"I'm sorry," I muttered. I grabbed his arm as a flash of lightening cracked overhead, followed by a boom of thunder. I dragged him with me as we headed for the river.

He soon pushed me behind him so he could take the lead. Did he always have to protect me? I scowled at the back of his head, but didn't say anything. 

He stopped suddenly, and I peered around him. Through the rain, I spotted a hazy light in the treeline. It seemed to be coming from the ground.

"What is that?" I asked curiously.

"Let's go find out," Bellamy replied, giving a slight nod. It was meant to be reassuring. I nodded back, signalling I was with him, and we were in this together. 

We kept our steps light, even though it would be extremely difficult to hear us over the rain anyways. I was just behind Bellamy, since he felt better if he was in front. The light neared us slowly, and soon enough we were knelt in front of the opening in between two rocks. We heard light sounds, but they were too muffled to hear them clearly.

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