Chapter 16

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Bellamy's POV:

We kept an eye out for any sign from Mount Weather. If they had left Clarke in the forest, they obviously would have thought she was going to die, right? But then again, they sent us a picture so we could find her. What the hell were they wanting?

She was recovering well, in my opinion. Slowly, but something changed for the better each day. The second day, after she woke up, her blood shot eyes were less red. Then some of the fuzziness and her confusion decreased after she ate and drank some. After the third day, we got her to eat more and more, hoping to fatten her up. She was still creepily gaunt, but some of the hollowness in her cheeks had disappeared.

I was more the pleased to know she would make it. That didn't stop the fact that I wanted to kill the person who did it to her. And she wouldn't be able to forget it, which worried me. Princess would be haunted by it for forever.

Even though she was back, she still occupied my mind. I figured when we got her back everything would go back to normal, that I was despise her like I used to....but I don't. It's a knew feeling, and it's unsettling that she follows every thought of mine.

I made myself useful and scraped some food together for her. It was evening, and I hadn't seen her since the early morning, and then she had been asleep anyway.

I noticed an extra pep in my step as I walked to the drop ship. When I entered I almost fainted myself.

"Clarke, what are you doing?" I burst. I threw her food on the nearest object and ran to her. She was standing, leaning heavily on the table, testing her weight on her legs. I was relieved that Octavia had given her the go-ahead to put her regular clothes back on. They were still baggy and looked two sized too large, but she was thankful anyways.

"Give me a minute!" She pleaded. Her jaw was clenched, and I knew it was hard. I halted nearby, giving her enough space, but I was close enough so that if she stumbled I could jump in to help.

"It's better," She sighed with content. "I can put a little weight on them!" I smiled, but I wasn't pleased. She needed to be resting. She glared at me.

"You can't control me," she warned sternly. I smirked, seeing a glimpse of the old Clarke. She had never let anyone tell her what to do, and was as stubborn as an ox.....or myself.

"I know, believe me Princess." The corner of her mouth rose into a half-smile, but it was better than nothing. After a few minutes, I spoke, "Why don't you give it a break, and eat something?"

She hesitated, but nodded. She turned so her backside was against the table, and boosted herself up. I could tell it took great effort, but she would have stabbed me if I stepped in to help. Plus she still wasn't comfortable with anyone making contact. I could unsderstand why, and I respected her enough to restrain myself from hugging her. I really was happy she was back, but I wouldn't make contact until she was okay with it.

"Maybe another week or two, and I'll beable to move somewhat," she mused. I nodded.

"I could probably find someone to make you something to help...a cane maybe?" I continued quickly, noticing the pissed off look she was giving me. "Just for a little while." She gave a terse nod. Her old self was definitely returning.

"So, food?" she indicated. I chuckled and snathed her food from where I had tossed it. I gave it to her, and then sat down in the chair beside the table.

She started eating immediately, which made me feel satisfied.

"So, what's happened today? Anything exciting?"

I scoffed. "No. Does going hunting count as exciting?"

She gaped. "Hey, anything beats being in here. This is depressing as hell." I smirked at her.

"I promise when you're completely recovered I will take you into the forest personally," I offered exaggeratedly, smiling persuasively.

"Oh, what an honour. Being in the Great Bellamy Blake's company. What if I don't want your company?" She joked, her eyebrows raised pointedly.

"Who wouldn't?" I laughed. "Look at me." I flexed my biceps, and she laughed loudly, and it reached her eyes. I laughed with her, happy as hell that I made her laugh wholeheartedly.

"I'm sure it would cost," she added slyly.

"Nah, not for you Princess." Our banter reminded us of from before she got taken, although back then it wasn't out of fun, it had been because we were annoyed with one another. This felt good though.

After a bit more fun quarreling, I decided that it was getting fairly late. If she wanted to get better, she needed to rest.

I noticed the small look of disappointment on her face as I stood up, but didn't say anything about it.

Before I was about to leave, she called, "You should stop by more often, asshole."

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