Part 7

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Ryuen walked out of the classroom and headed down the hallway.

"The hell was that?"

When he had brought his phone and threatened Ayanokoji that he would expel him, there was something in his eyes that made him hesitate.

It was as if he was saying-I won't stop you from showing that video. But if you do, prepare to sink along with me.

That was what he thought Ayanokoji was trying to convey.

He was hesitating whether to show it or not but just then Chabashira-sensei appeared and he had to put a stop to his show.

"Tsk, boring."

"What took you so long, Ryuen?"

Upon entering the class, Katsuragi inquired.

"Just tryna' have some little fun."

He said, his usual nature on full display.

"Are you sure Ryuen that we will be alright?"

An anxious Ibuki asked.

"Of course we will. After all, we even got a new privilege from that bastard."

Ibuki realized who that bastard referred to. It was Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

For some reason, whenever that name or face was brought in front of her, she was pissed. She didn't know why. The fact she didn't know why she was pissed off so much in the first place, in turn, pissed her more.

While Ibuki was dealing with her mental trouble, Ryuen thought back to tet meeting that took place a few days back.


One day before the exam:

In the Keyaki mall sat three people with drinks placed in front of them.

"Are you sure Ayanokoji? Should you be here wasting your time here instead of flirting around with your girl?"

Ayanokoji was busy stirring the cup when Ryuen posed that question to him. His hands stopped and he answered him.

"Sorry. I was thinking about what I should buy as a gift for Kei.

"A gift? For what?"

"For graduation."

"You. I never thought you were serious with all this romance stuff. Seriously, this brain of yours that's acting like a love-obsessed maniac really puts me off." Ryuen had to put in his two cents.

"Is giving graduation gift customary?"

Katsuragi asked, curious about it.

"I don't know but Kei said that she needed it and I thought it was normal."

"I have never heard of anything like that. But the idea sure is interesting. I mean, it is sort of like a parting gift and she is sure to treasure it for the rest of her life."

"And that is exactly the problem. Since it has that big of weight, I don't know what exactly would be good."

"Sorry. I can't be of any help in this scenario. If it is for the family then sure I might be able to help but I don't think you can depend on me for your romantic partner."

"But I think there is not much difference in both. Technically, both are gifts you give to someone you love so that they can treasure it for the rest of their lives."

"Convincing enough. I might be willing to help after the exam is over."

"Thanks, Katsuragi. That will be a huge help."

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