Part 3

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Note: I have said this before but please pay attention to little details while reading. Thank you! 



Watching how Koenji swam with such smooth movements, the audience gasped together. Although Class D was the last to start, Keonji overcame that difference easily and snatched first place. Onodera was a member of the swimming club and she managed to get fourth place.


I heard Katsuragi's voice of admiration from beside me.

Koenji handed his baton to Karuizawa and she rushed out while tying her baton to her left hand. Good thinking there, Kei.

She must have definitely fitted that to someplace reasonable. I just hope that it doesn't get damaged somehow. It came from my private points after all. And if it gets damaged, it will incur me a loss of 6000 private points.


Katsuragi scrunched his eyes to see what was going on over there. One of the students who should have taken off returned dragging his cycle, not riding it.

On the screen, a student from Class B, Yonezu Haruto, was checking his cycle over and shouting to the school staff.

Before they were stationed at the swimming people, the students were allowed to choose a cycle beforehand. Yonezu must have chosen the cycle that he had dragged just now and when he rushed with the cycle he had selected beforehand, he encountered troubles.

Looking closely, it seems like the tyres were tampered with. His rear tyre was flat compared to his hind ones. He surely must have checked the tyre condition before choosing his bike. And since it was now flat, there must have been a thorn, needle, or a similar sharp object that caused the puncture. Truly unfortunate.

Another student, this time from Class A, came dragging his cycle. But unlike Yonezu, without involving in an unnecessary bantering, he picked another cycle and took off. Seeing that student must have made Yonezu snap back to reality as he also chose another cycle and hurriedly rode after him.

As expected of him.

For a while, the cycling continued without anything major happening. Karuizawa, Ryuen, and Kitou were going head to head. Less than 1 km was remaining and it was now almost safe to say who the top three of cycling were or so everyone thought until a small accident happened.

Ryuen's cycle wavered and since he lost his balance he collided with Kitou on his right. Due to the momentum of his collision, Kitou's cycle also collided with Karuizawa's. The two of them just fell on the road while Karuizawa, who was on the left tumbled down the slope into the bushes.

An unfortunate accident. Or so the people might be thinking. But anyone who knew Ryuen knew what had happened just now.

Karuizawa who was almost sure to be in the top three was passed by two of them and three other students, one from each class except D.

She, however, immediately got up and furiously chased after them.

Just after this small incident, something else started brewing on the rear front of the cyclists.

A girl from Class B, Watanabe Norihito started acting weird. She seemed panicked and she was desperately trying to hit the brakes but to no avail. Her speed must be about 10-12 miles per hour. If she were to try to make a turn in the corner at this speed, it will definitely skid. She won't end with normal bruises and injuries.

She knew what awaited her. No matter what, she won't be able to avoid getting injured. So in that case, she would try to somehow minimize the damage.

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