A brief respite: Intro

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"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

Waving her hands brightly, she shone even brighter than the sun above. Or at least that is what I thought of the figure of my girlfriend, running towards me waving her hands.

She was wearing a grey mini skirt with white tops. The top was a bit open around the neck and the sleeves had nets adorned with floral designs. It fitted her nicely. She had a very cute white and pink purse hanging on her side and a black sandal.

"No, I just arrived myself." That sounded cliché and that was absolutely true as well. "You are looking cute." I said and her face flushed red before saying a soft "Thank you."

We had decided to go on a date today. She had been pestering me to take her somewhere, but I couldn't make time because of the stuff with Ryuen and the exam we had right after. And then, we were immediately thrown the final exam.

The exam this time was divided into two phases and the first phase had finished yesterday. Today was a weekend, and that meant we could spend the day however we want. But there were students glaring at us. And it was completely understandable.

We had finished only the first half of our exams and the second half was still there. "How dare they go flirting so openly when we are immersed thinking about our final exam?!" Or so they said but since Kei didn't seem to mind, I didn't pay that much attention either.

"Kiyotaka." While walking, holding our hands, looking at me impishly, she called.

"You are looking great." She said and grinned. I had noticed that she had been checking me over again and again while we continued walking. But was it for this reason?

I didn't think that I had put that much effort into my clothing. I was wearing a simple grey-colored slim chino with a white converse shoe. Wait, maybe she was happy that we both were wearing grey?

Well, since it seemed like she liked it, I have nothing more to say.

Although we did say a date, we didn't have any great plans in mind. We just wanted to go watch a new movie that was supposed to premiere today.

"Josee: The Tiger and The Fish". It is a recently made anime based on the short story of the same name by Seiko Tanabe. It had previously received a movie adaptation back in 2003 and it was well-received by the audience.

When we reached the front of the theatre, we saw many students line up for entering. It seems like the movie's popularity wasn't to be underestimated. But many students here were mostly second and first-year students. Or to be more precise couples? No, I think not all of them are couples. There may be people like me(the old me to be honest) or Ibuki who might like to go to movies alone.

And now that I think about it, Ibuki might be here as well. I slightly looked around to see if I could catch a glimpse of her. But since the area was crowded I could only give up.

The theatre was crowded and since it could result in Kei getting hurt, I held her hand and kept her glued to me until we reached our seat in the middle row. Kei had already booked the ticket for us a day earlier. She had also bought some drinks and popcorn for her. She had come well prepared.

The movie started and we watched the movie in silence.

The starting was paced nicely and the character of Josee was quite amazing. I had read on the internet that holding hands during movies increased intimacy and love with your partner. And I actually wanted to hold her hands but she seemed too absorbed in the movie so I threw that idea out of the window. 

I slowly put my hands on the armrest on my left. Just then my hand bumped with the one sitting on the seat adjacent to mine.

"Ah, sorry..."

"The heck?"

I heard a familiar annoying voice with the clicking of the tongue from the person sitting next to me. Her face, dimly lit by the light from the screen made it clear as to who she was.

"Ah, this is the worst."

Isn't that a bit mean? Well, she does have a mean character so I guess there isn't much I can complain about.

She looked displeased about the fact that she had to seat next to me.

She looked past me, towards the person who was seated on the other side-Kei.

She showed an exasperated expression and turned to the other side.

"I almost even considered him a kindred soul."

She muttered. She must not have meant that for me to hear but unfortunately for her, I heard that perfectly clear. And I also understood what she meant by that.

"If you really want us to feel like kindred souls again, then why don't you make a boyfriend and come to the movies with him?"

I tried to joke. She turned around almost too fast and put me under her murderous gaze.

"Recently a crime thriller movie was released. You wanna know how a boy in that movie was murdered in the theatre secretly without anyone knowing?"


My joke wasn't that good apparently. And here I was sure that would at least earn me 9 out of 10. Dang it!

After that, I didn't try to start a conversation with her. She was seriously pissed with what I had said to her.

I watched the movie in silence with Kei.

When Josee and the caretaker first met, the scene was being repeated, and just like during their first meeting, Tsuneo caught her. And they kissed.

It was a really moving and much-awaited scene. Beside me, Kei's hand slowly moved towards me and my hands were embraced in her warm and gentle clasp. I could see that she was tearing up as well.

After the movie ended, we were in the café reviewing it. Well, I did say reviewing but it was Kei who did all the talking.

"The movie was so great! And the scene where Tsuneo kisses Josee was soooooo amazing!" She was squealing delightedly while eating her parfait.

I also did feel that the movie was great.

Most anime movies have some supernatural elements to them, especially Makoto Shinkai's works and that was why many people loved them. But this movie without any supernatural elements was consumed by the audience quite well.

"Kei, you have got cream on your face." I pointed at the white dot beside her mouth.


Even after I pointed out that, she did nothing and stayed the way she was.

It took me a moment to understand what she wanted.

I brought my thumb closer to her face and wiped the cream from her face.

Apparently happy that I had fulfilled her unsaid wish, the corners of her mouth raised slightly up.

When I was about to pull my hand back, she bit my thumb, nibbled for a while, and slurped her tongue, "Delicious!"

What was delicious? My thumb or the cream that it had on it?

"Kiyotaka, you should stop looking up on the internet for everything you know?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Come on, Kiyotaka," she made a face as if she knew that I was just trying to feign ignorance, "I know you were trying to hold hands in the theatre."

Busted! Was it that obvious? No, I don't think that. She knew because she knows all too well.

"Mood is what's necessary for these things and the internet sure doesn't teach you those, does it?"

"Certainly not."

After that, I had to undergo a brutal lecture on what's mood and how to set up the mood by Professor Karuizawa Kei. 

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