17. Date

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Nat: You cannnnn, I already bought the tickets.

You: What?!

You see the tickets in her hand.
It is not a holiday, so there aren't many people waiting in line.

You: Why did you bring me to go skydiving?

Nat: I thought it'd be exciting. I want to see how you do it.

You: But I am scared.

Nat: You can do it. Look, It's our turn already.

You try to make a run for it, but Nat catches you immediately.

Nat: Don't you dare run away.

You get carried by Nat to the instructor who briefs both of you safety instructions and how to wear the safety equipment.

Nat: Relax, you'll be with the instructor anyways.

You: I am scared of heightssss!!!


You: This is not funny.

You take a long time to get ready as you try to delay this as long as possible.

Nat: Are you ready?

You: Can we still back out?

Nat: No. You don't know when you are going to jump anyways. The instructor will pull you in.

You: What?

You looked at her in surprise.

Nat: Come on, you go first. 

You step wearily to the edge together with the instructor.

Instructor: Are you ready?

You: If I am not ready, will we go back down?

Instructor: We can go down now.

The instructor pulls on your string and you are dragged down with him.

You: Ahhhhhhh.

Nat: You're doing great!!!

You flail your arms around until the instructor holds you.

Instructor: You are ok! You shouldn't feel much. You can look around now.

You: Huh, yeah.. You're right.

You look around and see Nat waving beside you.

You: You don't have an instructor?

Nat: I have done this many times before in missions.

You: Ohhh.

Instructor: Ok, it's time to pull the parachute.

The instructor pulls the parachute and you feel yourself jerked up.

Instructor: We are falling even slower now.

As we get closer to the ground, you get ready to land. Despite remembering what you have been told during the safety briefing, you didn't manage to stick the landing and fall to the ground.

You: Ah shit.

The instructor removes all the safety ropes and parachute and brings you to the medic.

Nat: Are you ok?

You: Yeah.. I just grazed myself on the floor. It's not too much.

Nat grabs the plaster from the medic and helps you herself.

Nat: Does it hurt?

You: This? Compared to what I have been through? Not so much, but I can still feel it when I walk.

You: Woah.

Nat: I can always carry you.

Nat carries you in bridal style and walks to her car. You stare at her and kiss her on the cheeks. She suddenly stops walking and you hug her neck even tighter and close your eyes.

Nat: What are you doing? 

You: I thought you were going to drop me.

You peek your eyes open.

Nat: Another.

You: Another what?

Nat: Kiss. Otherwise I am going to drop you.

You: No.

You hug even tighter.

You: Bring me back to the car first.

Nat smirks and continues walking to the car. She puts you in safely and looks at you.

You: Thank you dear.

You kiss her on the lips.

You: Consider that an extra tip.

Nat shuts the door and sits in the driver seat.

You: You planned anything next?

Nat: I am not going to say.

You: Why? Anyways, are we going to eat? I didn't get to finish my lunch.

Nat: We can have dinner there. I booked a place for us already.

You: When did you do all this? Buying the tickets and all?

Nat: Secret makes a woman, woman.
(Got this phrase from Detective Conan)

You: Funny.


Nat drives us back to the city and you look around in the city light.

You: Is this your first time in a relationship?

Nat: If you mean real one, yes. I have dated and flirted with a lot of guys for missions, before I joined SHIELD.

You: Ohh. You learnt from there?

Nat: Not really, I learned what I needed to do before I went on a mission.

You: From way back then?

Nat: Yes. We have arrived. Come on.

Nat brings you to a pizza place.

You: Pizza place really?

Nat: What's wrong?

You: There's nothing wrong, but when you say you booked a place, I wasn't expecting this.

Nat: This place is great!

You: How can a pizza go wrong?

Nat: Just eat, we still have one last place to go.

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