13. Morning

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Nat brings you to her room and helps you change the bandage.

You: How does it look?

Nat: Definitely better than the first time I saw it.

Nat: Did you walk out because your sister talked to you about the wounds?

You: I don't want to talk about it again.

Nat: I was not asking about the wound. I was asking if both of you talked about it. I guess that's a yes then.

You walk away and sit on the bed.

Nat: What are you going to do now?

You: What do you mean?

Nat: You and your sister.

You: Give us time and we should be fine. We are sisters like you said. We can never truly be mad at each other.

Nat: Good.


The next morning you find yourself looking at Nat training with Steve.

You: Definitely wish I was the other person.

Steve: Looks like your girlfriend is jealous.

You: Am I?

Nat: You totally are.

You: Maybe. I just wish I could heal faster, It's boring not being able to do anything.

Nat: Why are you complaining? You get to be with me 24/7.

You: I can do that without the wound.

Steve: She's got a point.

You: Yeah and I have an advice, why don't you leave us to be alone?

Steve: Hey, I was backing you up.

Steve complains before leaving the training room.

You: He's finally gone.

Nat: Why are you like this?

You: Maybe because he's the one getting all your attention today?

Nat: It's only morning.

You: I know.

Nat: That's enough, let's head up. Do you want to watch a movie?

You: Sure, you choose.


Both of you head to the common space to watch a movie.

Wanda: What are you guys watching?

You: Mission Impossible.

Wanda: I see.

You: Oh wait, I need to take something, continue watching without me, I'll be quick.

You went up to grab something.

Nat: So I heard both of you talked.

Wanda: Yeah, I bet she's mad at me.

Nat: Don't worry she won't be mad at you for too long.

You came back holding your soft toy.

Nat: How old are you already?

You: Even if I am 60 I'll still be hugging this. If you don't like this, leave while you still can.

Nat: No, it's just that we all know what's going to happen next.

You: What are you talking about?


You fall asleep on the sofa within the next half an hour.

Nat: We knew this was going to happen.

Wanda: She has had it since she was young. Totally cried and begged for it.

Nat: Really?

Steve: Guys, we need to leave, Hydra is launching an attack in the middle of the city.

Nat: Are we going to wake Y/N up?

Steve: We need everyone there.

Nat: Even in her state?

Steve: Yes. Even the Hulk is up.

Nat: Hey, wake up. Urgh, Wanda, wake Y/N up.

Wanda uses her powers to frighten you.

You: Oh my god, that was scary. Umm, I understand what's going on already, let's go.

Nat: Quick work.

Wanda smiles at her.

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