8. Figuring Out

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After the jet landed, Clint brought Nat to Bruce's lab but Wanda asked you to stay behind.

You: What?

Wanda: How long did it take you to freeze it?

You: It was just a thin layer, maybe a few seconds?

Wanda remains silent for a few second

You: Are we done here?

Wanda: Remember that today when I woke up, Nat and I were talking?

You: Yeah.

Wanda: She told me not to tell you this but she has feelings for you.

You: ...WHAT? But she says she's busy and doesn't have time for this.

Wanda: She just didn't know how to tell you. I heard about your conversation. You even asked if I had a boyfriend.

You: She told you that?

Wanda: Well, I kinda looked at her memories.

You just looked at her and walked out.

Now you question your feelings.
Do you have any feelings for Nat? Do you care about her?
As you question yourself, you find yourself walking to Bruce's lab 

You: How is she?

Bruce: Well, even though it's deep, your first aid helped a lot with blood lost. I just needed to stitch her wound. She should wake up from the anesthesia soon.

You: Good. I will wait for her to wake up then. Thanks.

You sit next to her bed.

You: I guess I have never seen you sleep before. You kinda looked at mine first.

Wanda: So you ended up here.

You: Shut up. Don't say anything.

Wanda: What did Bruce say?

You: After the anesthesia wears off, she should be awake.

Wanda: I'll leave you alone then.


Soon, Nat wakes up and sees you sitting next to her.

Nat: Hey.

You: Oh umm. You're awake. Do you want me to call anyone?

Nat: There's no need. They are used to it.

You: Tough job. 

Nat: I hardly get shot though. This is only my 4th time.

You: Ok then. Do you want me to help you back to your room?

Nat: That'll be great.

You help Nat off the bed and bring her upstairs.

Nat: Thanks.

You: No worries, you are kinda like my second patient, after sis. If you need anything, call me. I'll leave you to rest.


You leave her room and walk around Wanda's room.

Wanda: I can hear you walking outside. You are not exactly very quiet!

She uses her power and opens the door for you.

You: I don't know what to do.

You fling your hand around in frustration.

Wanda: Calm down.

You: No! I am not calm!

Wanda: Alright! But if you are going to keep raising your voice, everyone can hear you.

You took a deep breath and covered your mouth.
You lower your voice.

You: What am I supposed to do?

Wanda: Well, do you love her?

You: You think I didn't ask myself that question?

Wanda: If you don't love her, you wouldn't be so flustered. 

You freeze, back up and head back to your room.
You can't believe what Wanda said. It's like she struck the bullseye.

What are we going to do??

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