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[Next Day]
I woke up pretty late, around 1 pm. I usually wake up earlier, no matter how late I sleep, but I guess today was different. After a minute of letting my eyes adjust to the light, I got up and went to the bathroom to do my usual routine. I got dressed in a graphic t-shirt and black shorts. I sat by my desk to start coloring and shading the commissions, no procrastinating right now.

About half an hour later, I hear a knock at my door. I walk to my front door, it was Olivia and Anthony.

"Oh, hey guys." 

"Hey Y/N!" Olivia smiled, walking in.

"Hey!" Anthony walked in as well.

"What brings you guys here?" I asked sitting on the couch.

"We want to talk about Wilbur."

"Uh, was he troubling you guys?" I asked nervously.

"Um, No! We wanted to talk about how there is definitely something between you two." Anthony rolled his eyes.

"What do you guys mean?"

"Come on, you definitely like him."

"What? No I don't, I literally just met him."

"Okay, then why do you guys seem so close?"

"We aren't that close at all."

"Sure you aren't." Olivia laughed.

I sighed.

"Guys, I'm not going to fall for a guy I just met. That's literally ridiculous. My feelings can wait until we get closer."

"So you do admit you have feelings for him." Olivia smirked.

"Did you guys just miss like, half of my sentence.?" I asked.

"Yeah maybe."

"I'm just saying. I'd only like him once we're like, close friends or something."

"Okay, okay. We get it./.he's out of your league so you're nervous."

"What!?" My eyes widened. Why can't they just understand that I don't have romantic feelings for him.

"Don't worry, we were joking."

"Well I have to color some commissions."

"Oh, can we stay in your room while you color them?"

"Okay I guess. As long as you guys don't distract me too much." Olivia and Anthony nodded and followed me to my room.

"You guys can chat or whatever, we can hang out once I'm done coloring these."

"Sounds good."

[Time skip 3 hours later]

I finally finished coloring all the commissions and sent them to my clients. I look over at my two friends, they were passed out in my bed. God, was I that much if a bore? While fixing my things, I hear another knock on my door. Assuming it was BFF/N, I opened the door.

"Hey." But instead of being greeted by my best friend's voice, I was greeted with a low one.

"Hey Y/N." I look up and see Wilbur.

"Oh sorry, I thought BFF/N was at the door." I muttered.

"Oh, it's fine. Can I come in?"

"Oh! Yes." I move out of the way and let Wilbur in.

"What were you doing just now?"

"I just finished coloring some commissions."

"Oh, okay. May I go to your room?" Wilbur asked, timidly.

"Sure." I slowly held his hand walking to my room. For some reason, my stomach felt like it was doing somersaults, but I ignored it and continued to walk.

[Wilbur's POV]

I was slightly taken aback from Y/N grabbing my arm, I started to heat up as we walked, but slowly, the dark red tint lessened into a lighter shade. Thank fucking God. They opened the door to their room, I noticed their two friends from the café yesterday, were passed out slouching on their bed.

"Don't mind them, they probably got bored and fell asleep." Y/N slightly laughed.

"Pft, okay." I sat on the carpet and found books and cards scattered on the floor. Figures.

"I'm done anyway. Just doing an extra commission, I'll wake them up when I'm done."

"Oh, okay." I replied, taking a look at one of the books. Y/N looked really focused on what they were doing. I wonder how distracted they got from the noise I made that one night. I felt kind of bad. Scratch that, I do feel bad, really bad. About 20 minutes later, they got up and stretched.

"Kay' I'm done." They walked over and sat next to me. I smile.

"Good job." I smile

"Thanks Will, can I call you Will?" They asked.

"Oh, of course!" I answered. Y/N leaned over and grabbed a book.

"This book is one of my favorites. You should read it." The smiled slightly, handing me the book.

"Well, why don't I read it now?" I opened the book and started to read. While reading, I hear Y/N yawn.

"Sorry, I slept really late last night." They apologized

"Don't worry about it." I rubbed their shoulder as they started to get drowsier.

"If I fall asleep, I apologize in advance." Y/N yawned.

"No, no. It's fine." I reassured them.

Soon, they fell asleep on my shoulder. (Cliché. Sorry.) I smile softly, their ears turned redder the deeper in sleep they got. Like me. Almost right that minute, Olivia and Anthony woke up.

"Hey Y/N are you done yet..?" Olivia muttered getting up.

I froze.

Olivia's eyes slowly drifted towards me and Y/N. I slowly waved with a nervous smile plastered on my face.

"W...Wilbur..? OH MY GOD, WILBUR??"

"Hey." I muttered softly. Olivia's eyes widened as she practically shook Anthony.

"Anthony, LOOK AT THEM."

"Huh..? OH. I knew they would work out." Anthony smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. I laugh softly.

"Shh, you might wake them up." Sure I was embarrassed, but the least I could do was not let Y/N wake up.

"Oh, sorry." Anthony muttered.

"So, how long has this been going for?" Olivia smirked.

"What? Nothing happened, they just fell asleep on my shoulder."

"It couldn't have been less anti-climactic." Olivia sighed.

"But, do you like them?" Anthony leaned forward.

"I uh.. maybe?" I cocked my head, not knowing what to answer. Anthony and Olivia started grinning widely.

"This is the only possible relationship that I root for." Olivia smiled brightly.


"Well, we'll leave you too it." Anthony said. Shortly after, they left. And now, it was just me and Y/N.

-End Of 4-



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