Chapter 3

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Jungkook p.o.v

Why I'm getting weird feeling about jimin..?
His glittery tears ..! In his crescent eyes why my mind is thinking about when he is crying..!

But he's too clingy when he's around me. He always used to care about me,he always help me,when I'm in trouble. But I'm always ignore him..? I used to hurt him with my harsh words..! Still he was nice to me ..

He's really angel he always besides me but I'm always ignoring him..!
Ughh just stop thinking about him jungkook just stop

His eyes , luscious plump lips..! I want to taste it untill it get swollen and become red..., his perfect porcelain skin ,his chubby cheeks I want to eat them ..
His soft neck which I want to suck untill it get into purple marks..!

Ughh stop thinking about him jungkook..! Just stop it and sleep..!

Girls are really dying about me. I have to fell for girls not boys..

At Jimin house

Wwoohh chimmy are sure..? Is it really good idea..? Just think once while you proceed..! Just think once chimmy I think its really fast..!

Yeah I'm sure tae tae..! I want to propose him with my full feelings which one and only my heart is beating only for him ..

But chimmy did you forget what happened before.? You used to help him but he's still ignores you still he didn't say single thanks to you ..How pitty he's is
Still you are his side.. what is this chimmy

It's ok tae tae he's one of our friend he used to be like that this is not a new for me I love him tae tae he can ignore me but I'm not,He can hurt me but I'm not, he can have fun with other girls but I'm not.
He's one of the love of my life tae..! I can't loose him
I can't give up that easily I will try until it's get mine.

Wooh jimin I'm getting jealous for seeing like this you really obsessed to him I wish I can in jungkook's place.he's very lucky to have you with full of love.

Nowadays who can find the pure love jimin.? Jungkook can founds you I'm really jealous of him..!!

Haha~stop it tae you know what you are my soulmate tae tae I don't want to loose you..! Don't be jealous of him in soon you too find your love..! Don't worry my soulmate.. by the way he still didn't accept my proposal so don't get jealous haha ..

Haha yeah yeah but he will accept yours how can someone easily loose like beautiful angel like you..?
I wish he accepts your proposal chimmy so don't worry

Thank you tae tae..!

So chimmy when you are confessing your feelings to him..?

Tomorrow....I can't wait for it tae..!

Woh woh calm down chimmy you tomorrow is your day.. all the best chimmy..

Thank you tae tae..

Next morning...
I wake up early at morning I didn't get proper sleep because I'm so tensed today I'm going to confess my feelings to jungkook idk how he will react to my feelings
But still I had hope..! I can't loose him at any cost.

So I done my morning routine I dressed up so neatly
I wear slightly makeup with bb cream, some brown eye shadow, and lastly lip balm which it look like luscious. I giggle my self I'm blushing to watch in my mirror.. perfect.....

I'm driving to college in the middle of the way i buy some red roses & chocolates & confessing card which it's look like so expensive I bought it for him

I drive safely to college I saw my group of friends at hall way ..! I waved at them
They stunned after watching me..!

They start asking me questions..
Woh mochi u looking so stunning today so gorgeous
So what's today anything special..?

I just bend my head down cause of shy..
Then suddenly tae came and said everything to them

Wohhhhhh jimin everyone gasped at the same time
Are you sure mochi..?
Yes Hyungs I'm very sure about this so don't worry about me I will be take care of it..!

Anyway all the best my mochi I hope everything will be ok Jin exclaimed..!
Thank you hyung Jin hugs jimin tightly
Everyone wish him with good lucks..! And hug him

Jimin is searching for jungkook at hallway , classroom and everywhere but there is no presence of jungkook..!
Where is this muscle beasty..?
Better I have to check at locker room..I'm walking at locker room way then he suddenly saw jungkook is coming from locker room

Jimin get nervous after watching jungkook
Then he observed him with widen his eyes

He's is with full of sweat his bangs are sticky on forehead cause of sweating his shirt button is unbuttoned ..!
Back of jungkook one girl is coming from locker room..! He looking so messy her dress was not looking properly her hair was totally messy.He smirks at her and leave..!

Jimin heart was clenched after watching them like that ..!

He calm down some time and gets courage to talk jungkook.

Finally he approached to him
He clears his throat he lowly whispered at jungkook
Jungkook ~ a sweet voice from his behind and he turn back and saw  jimin ..

Jungkook p.o.v
He heard sweet voice which came from his back and he saw cute little angel he saw jimin ..!

He's so cute today ohh gosh my heart was racing after watching this cute little angel

Cmon jungkook you can't see him like in that way stop drooling
He snap his thoughts from his mind and he clear his throat ..! What do you want..? He said in stern voice

No one pov

Jungkook I just want talk to you for some while can you please come with me..! He said in low and pleaded voice
What do you want to talk with me..? He asked in harsh voice

Just please come with me jungkook just for few minutes
He sighed.. ok just for few minutes he said

Yeah ok thank you

They went to back side of college which jimin favourite spot ..!
They stand in the middle of Pink cherry blossoms trees ( it's perfect place for confessing the feeling to loved ones)
Tell me what do you want now ..? I have no time make it fast.. jungkook said to jimin

Jimin just nod his head his hands was back by holding flowers, chocolates, and most importantly card.

He handover to jungkook with shaky hands and he smile was plastered on his face with hope full eyes..!

He took from jimin hands..!

What is this all these..?

Jimin clear his throat and he start speaking..

Jungkook I love you ..


End of the chapter..

Love you all my lovely jikookers..

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