Chapter-8 Politics

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It practically killed me to let my mate sleep on the couch but I cannot force her to sleep in the room

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It practically killed me to let my mate sleep on the couch but I cannot force her to sleep in the room. I know for a fact that I've already pretty messed up by getting her a pizza with meat. Thanks to my mate's golden heart she didn't complain.

'Go slow, let her take her time,' Carter advised.

That's what I did, I let her take her own time. If my mate want to sleep in the living room then alright, I'll make sure that there's a bed and heater fixed by tomorrow morning.

My mate slept an hour back, I heard her heart beat even. I have to go back to the kingdom to make some arrangements for the next thirty days. I'll let Carter and my father take care of the kingdom politics till I go back. They'll make sure to keep people in place in my absence.

I heard short breaths and felt my mate's heart beat raise. No one's here then why is Luna's heartbeat raising?

Is she having a nightmare?

I walked down to look at my mate sweating heavily looking like someone's torturing her. Teeth gritted, her hands fisted, she looked like she's on so much pain.

Is this a nightmare about her past?

"Luna," I gently shook her up.

"Luna," my mate didn't respond and remained in the same state.

Her veins were pulsing harder, her heart beating so fast that she looked like a perfect prey to feed on. But I won't, she's my mate and I do have pretty good self-control when it came to feeding.

Her body burned like fire when I touched her, she hissed in pain. "Luna," this time I shook her harder.

Still no response.

So, I took her in my arms and carried her to my room. She can sleep in the bed, I can sleep in the couch, anyway I have to go back to the palace. The earlier I leave, the sooner I can come back home.

Home, the place where mate is my home. I've been living in the palace since the day I was born but I never once called it my home and it took my mate only a day to call this unoccupied house a home.

Gently leaving her in the bed, I tucked her inside the blankets as I tried waking her for one last time.

"Luna," I shook her harshly using a bit of my vampire strength.

With a gasp she opened her eyes, "Are you alright?" I looked at her full of worry.

What is it that's hurting my mate so bad?

Her eyes held so many emotions, desperation, pain, loneliness, anger.

Who did this to you Luna?

"Nothing, it's the same old thing," she gave me a fragile smile before she went back to sleep, a painful sleep.

Her face looked like she's in some real pain, what I didn't understand is that whether it's a physical pain or the emotional pain.

♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪

I left my home before the sun could raise leaving a small note at the night stand to let her know that I'll be back by noon. I also restored the fridge with groceries – mostly veggies and stuff so she can make her own breakfast. I should also look onto the vegetarian options available so that we can order when we're out.

"Ask Carter to meet me in the meeting room immediately," I ordered my assistant when I entered the palace.

It's now time for the Luke to sleep and let Lucas take care of things.

"What the hell Lucas?" Carter entered a minute later with a huge scowl on his face.

"Emergency," I muttered not caring how early it is for us vampires. It's four am at present, the time a vampire usually sleeps like a pig.

"What?" he groaned sitting opposite to me.

"I won't be available for the next thirty days so take care of the kingdom and make sure leeches stay at their place."

Leeches – the power greedy ministers who are trying to hard gain more money and power by doing a lot of illegal activities with the humans. They think I don't know about it but I knew every little secret of it. I'm just letting it go for the sake of their families. Else they would have been dead by now.

Not to mention the old hag who never fails to bring the proposal of me marrying his grand daughter every time we meet. That old hag doesn't take no for an answer and he should've known me well too, I don't say yes unless I want to.

"Is this because of that secret woman?" Carter giggled.

God, sometime I wonder how I made him my friend in the first place. If not for his unbreakable loyalty towards me, I won't be tolerating his ideocracy.

"No, I'm planning to go undercover. I heard some really unpleasant things happening throughout the kingdom, I wanted to look into it."

It's a lie but that's the only way he won't ask me a thousand questions. He knows how serious I am when it came to this kingdom. I don't let the weeds grow; I kill them before they could grow into a plank sucking weed – which earned me the name merciless.

I don't believe in forgiveness, like they say – once a cheater always a cheater, the same goes with certain mistakes.

"What about the girl you talked about yesterday?"

That girl is my mate and I don't plan on leaving her anytime soon.

"Too much work, I left the idea," more lies, I have never lied to my best friend but sometime you have to for the better.

There's no way I'm revealing about Luna, it only puts her in the way of more trouble. The palace has ears and no secret is safe here, people even hear about your breath if you are not careful.

"Better, you have a mate out there and I don't want you to be in some serious relationship. You'll just break two women's heart."

The reason why Carter is my best friend, he's not a person to agree to all the bullshits I throw his way. Even if it meant him getting a punishment, he never fails to tell me the abrupt truth. He is a mirror who speaks the truth and that truth will never be in my favor – it'll always be the ugly truth.

"Keep an eye on Jeremy and I need my human card and cash," Carter is the one who handles my personal finance.

He makes sure that no one knows how much and where I spend my money. That way the leeches cannot predict what the king is up to. That's why I spend the money I transfer to Carter in the name of salary to him. He has everything under his name but in reality, it's me who spends.

"Be back," Carter left to make the preparations.

The first thing I have to do is order a nice bed and fix the heater. Since my home is in the human territory, it's easier to make the humans do all the works. If not too, I'm not going to let the vampires to that work.

Nobody knew about that house except me, my sister and Carter. It's the safest place Luna can be in without any fear of vampires spotting us.

I hope this gets over soon so that I can go back to my mate.  


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