"I am not a nerd. I'm a geek, there is a difference." He says, matter of factly.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. A nerd is usually a person who excels at everything, like science, English, and math, whereas a geek is very knowledgeable about a specific thing, such as Star Wars, and Chemistry...or poetry." Austin says, shrugging his shoulders. I nod. It is very logical.

"The Theory of a Geek."

"That's a good one. Maybe we should ask Ben on the Theory of a Nerd."

Austin and I laugh, but we're interrupted when someone clears their throat.

"What are you guys going on about now?" Ben asks, looking between Austin and I. And then he points at Austin, a serious look on his face. "And I am not a nerd."

"Sure," Austin and I say, simultaneously, making Ben roll his eyes. Ben is definitely a nerd, because he is smart in everything, and there is a bet going around with the seniors who is going to be Valedictorian and most are putting their money on Ben.

"So, how did your tutoring go?" Austin asks Ben, wiggling his eyebrows. Ben's cheeks flush pink, totally embarrassed.

"Shut up." Ben hisses, eyes narrowing at Austin, who laughs. "Come on, Em. I'm ready to go."

"That's great, Ben. But I'm not a senior, I can't just go home." He rolls his eyes, and grabs my arm, hauling me out of my chair.

"So? I am, and we can just sign you out," Aidan says, coming up behind Ben with his backpack. Did they ever do school work? Austin stands up too, smiling.

"So, I'll see you guys tomorrow?" My brothers nods and Austin walks by, close enough that I feel him rub up against my arm. "See you tomorrow," he whispers, his breath tickling my neck.

When we get home, no one else is here. In this rare moment of peace, I go up stairs to change into sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt, forgetting about school and watch more reruns Friends.


A quarter after five, Joey skips through the front door, happily singing Call Me Maybe.

I stand up from the sofa, meeting him in the kitchen. My mom follows him in, smiling when she sees me, though she looks shocked and glances at the clock.

"What are you doing home so early? Are the boys downstairs?"

"Yeah, they're playing video games."

Mom rolls her eyes as she gets a bowl of ice cream for Joey. "You want some?" I shake my head no. Then all of a sudden, the front door slams shut and Quinn storms in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Mom asks, stopping in front of Quinn, who face was red in anger. He narrows his eyes at me, and then back at Mom.

"What's wrong? What's wrong is that I didn't have a drive home! I had to walk, because those idiots decided to ditch me!" Quinn yells, throwing his hands up in the air. I wince, realizing that we had forgotten Quinn at school. Mom is about to say something, maybe yell for Ben and Aidan, when she sighs.

"We'll talk about this at supper, alright? Why don't you go up stairs, wash up and change." Quinn huffs, shooting one last glare at me then stomping up the stairs.

"What's an idiot?" Joey blurts while shoving a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. Mom slaps a hand over her mouth to hide her smile and I chuckle.

"It's what your brother's can be sometimes." Mom explains, kissing Joey on the forehead.

"Hey, we aren't idiots. Mom, that hurts."

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