Chapter 17: Jealousy

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I open one of the bags on my shoulder as I walk, looking for a set of clothes I can change into so I can be out of this suit. I grunt as I bump into someone and stumble backwards. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going-" I look up and see Bucky with a smug grin on his face and roll my eyes. "You knew I was coming," I predict.

He gives me a slight nod. "I had a feeling." He grabs one of the bags from my arm, taking most of the weight off of my shoulder. My eyes glance up to the bruising on his face, feeling anger pool into the pit of my stomach. "How're you doing?" He asks, knocking me out of my trance.

"I'm okay, just sore," I chuckle as he leads me to a black compact car on the street. "What did Sam mean by 'take care of Zemo'?" I change the subject quickly as he opens the passenger side door for me. I stay in my spot, staring at him as he holds the door and intends to ignore my question.

He lets out a long sigh. "I know where he is," he states simply and gestures for me to climb into the car.

I roll my eyes as I carefully slide into the car, wincing at the pain in my side. I toss my bag into the back seat as Bucky climbs into the driver's side. I almost want to laugh at how large he looks in the car. "You're not going to give me any more information than that?" I buckle my seatbelt as he turns the key in the ignition, not sparing me a glance.

"Last chance to back out," he mumbles, staring out the windshield at the pedestrians.

I let out a breath and nod to myself. "I'm not going anywhere," I say, making him turn his head to look at me with a relieved look on his face.

His lips quirk up at the corners of his mouth and I feel the familiar burn come to my cheeks. "You blush every time I look at you," he states observantly. I open my mouth to protest and his eyes narrow. "It's cute." He smirks at me before driving off the side of the curb.

‎✪ ‎✪ ‎✪ ‎✪

The car rolls to a stop just behind a line of trees. A large stone monument is just visible, looking beyond a large body of water. I narrow my eyes at the figure standing in front of the monument, knowing it's Zemo by the thoughts radiating off of him. "Stay here," Bucky says, ripping the keys from the ignition and opening the car door, not letting me get a word in edgewise.

I huff out a breath, watching him walk quickly to Zemo. My breath hitches when I see him pull a gun from the waistband of his pants, holding it steady in his right hand. I purse my lips when I see them begin to speak to one another, seemingly a calm conversation. I shift in the leather seat underneath me, itching to get out of the car and hear what they're talking about.

I hold my breath when Bucky brings the gun up, holding the gun to Zemo's head with a stern look on his face. My breath comes out shakily when I see Bucky pull the trigger, bracing myself for the gunshot and Zemo's body drop to the ground.

But nothing happens, no gunshot and no blood.

Bucky smirks as he lets his arm down, his left hand reaching into his coat pocket and dropping all of the bullets onto the stone between them. I swear I can hear each bullet hit the stone and roll away.

I sink into my seat in relief when I see the Dora Milaje walk up to the both of them from somewhere behind the monument. They take Zemo by his arms over to a small plane, cuffing his hands behind his back. I see Bucky converse with Ayo for a moment before walking back to the car.

"'Take care of Zemo', huh?" I smile at him as he slides into the driver's seat.

I tilt my head at him when he doesn't give me another witty remark or even look my way. He flips the keys in his hand for a moment, staring off into space. "You said you don't read our minds?" He asks in a flat voice, still not looking at me.

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