Sophie and Dobby play a prank/give a sweet surprise

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Waiting was hard. Enough said.


There was a large sign posted to the notice board, and it made Sophie's blood boil. Clubs disbanded? Now she knew they were doing the right thing. They were still going to have the club.

Harry, Ron and Hermione continued on with their day. However, the next night, Sirius Black almost got caught by Umbridge, giving Sophie a scare. 

What she had previously assumed was going to be an easy assignment was now getting harder. The Ministry was suffocating them.

She knitted faster, waiting for the fire to die down so she could go to the meeting spot. Suddenly, there was a crack, and a house elf appeared, holding Hedwig.

"The owl is all better, sir!" he said, then did a double take. He looked frightened to see her. "You aren't Master Potter!"

"It's okay, I won't hurt you!" she said. "Why are you awake so late? And why are you talking to Dobby? Most wizards don't talk to Dobby."

Sophie smiled. "My name is Sophie, and I'm not most wizards. I'm an elf too." It felt good to say it out loud.

Dobby let out a surprised squeak, and almost toppled over. "You're... a lost one? But your eyes..."

Sophie smiled despite her slight annoyance. "I have a bit of alicorn blood... You said your name was Dobby, right?" 

At the house elf's nod, she continued, "I have an idea for a great prank. Could you take this disk to the Slytherin common room for me?"

Dobby studied it curiously. "What does it do?"

"It plays a song. It's like If You're Happy and you Know it, except about being sad. I thought they'd like it." Yup. I wanted a sweet prank that would maybe cheer my Slytherins up :D

Dobby smiled. "Miss Sophie is right! Dobby will do it!"

Sophie said goodbye, then crept out into the hallway, leaving Hedwig to perch on one of the armchairs. When she got to the Room of Requirement, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were already there, trying to resolve it into a training room. 

Sophie put a hand on one of the walls and thought. It bloomed, growing bigger and providing all sorts of training equipment.

The others trickled in, and Hermione said "Before we get started, we should elect a leader."

Sophie quickly replied,"Harry's the leader, Hermione."

Ginny frowned. "We should vote on it. Maybe you should be the leader, Sophie."

There was a quick vote, in which Harry and Sophie tied. "Harry can lead us officially. I'll take over some of the classes, but spying on Umbridge will come first. We'll need to know her plans if we're going to pull this off."

Everyone in the room agreed to that plan. Next, they picked a name. Dumbledore's Army, for the Ministry's worst fears. They began practicing disarming spells, and Harry was walking by her to check on everyone. 

Smiling to herself, she silently disarmed him. His wand flew out of his hand into Sophie's, and she threw it back to him with a smile. Their session ended well, with everyone being able to disarm their partners at least once.

The D.A. kept meeting. On the fourth date, Sophie told everyone that they would be learning wandless defense next week. Some people grumbled a bit, until Sophie threw a dagger at one of the target dummies. 

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