Umbr***e is toxic

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Yes I censored U M B R I D G E


Sophie got up and changed behind her little dressing wall that folded out, creating a barrier between her little corner and the rest of the room. Walking down to the common room, she began mentally combing through her schedule and the map of the school she had memorized. It was early, so the large room full of overstuffed couches was empty. 

It quickly filled with Gryffindor students who were filing down the stairs and through the portrait hole for breakfast. Harry, Ron and Hermione paused in the common room, turning in a circle trying to find her.

Smiling slightly, she moved out of the corner she was in. When they noticed her, Harry and Hermione played it cool, but Ron flinched.

"Blimey! How long were you there?"

"I've been here for about 15 minutes," she replied. She swept her book bag up in her arms and left through the portrait hole, barely paying attention to where she was stepping, but at the same time knowing that Harry and his friends were following her closely in the trail she was blazing through the crowded hallways. 

She had a pretty good time at breakfast, but it did help that it reminded her of the Foxfire cafeteria. Then, she began heading to her next class. Hermione and Harry were walking next to her, and Ron came running up to them.

He panted to her, "What class do we have first?"

Sophie replied automatically, "Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"Woah!" Harry said "Do you have the schedule memorized? That's impressive! Even Hermione can't memorize her schedule that fast!"

Sophie could feel the heat in her cheeks, and she knew that the blush on her face was answer enough for Harry's question.

Walking into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom burned Sophie's eyes. Pink and kittens and frills everywhere. It was Sophie's worst nightmare that didn't involve death, destruction and the Neverseen. 

Judging by the awe and horror on Hermione's face, the classroom normally looked nothing like that. Luckily, the other walls were a nice, nonscorching beige color.

Umbridge was still looking like a large pink toad. Sophie listened in well disguised horror as the Ministry witch forced a cheerful, fake sounding greeting from her students. 

How had such an odious person been nominated to teach anybody? She ordered her students to put their wands away, to barely disguised groans.

Sophie then knew the truth, even before the sickly sweet speech that confirmed her fears and set the back of her mind spinning faster, already forming a plan to teach the students of Hogwarts actual defense instead of the useless government sanctioned drivel most likely designed to keep the students from learning anything that could allow them to overthrow the government. 

A scared person in power is a dangerous person trying to keep their hold on a position that they most likely secretly abused.

The blackboard listed teaching points that told them when it was okay to do magic and how the basic principles worked, and telling them how to theoretically put the Charms they already knew to practical use. 

Nothing that would have them actually learn any defense. They would be sitting ducks when Voldemort and his Death Eaters attacked, as Sophie knew they would.

Sophie had to bite her lip to keep from yelling at Hermione, Ron and Harry. They were almost enjoying provoking the already very annoyed woman, who was glaring at Hermione next to her. The whole class began raising their hands to ask Professor Umbridge questions that made her even more flustered.

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