Draco's not that bad of a guy

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Keefe wished he could get up and pace. Or even better, actually start looking for Sophie.

Seeing his expression, Ro quickly said, "Nuh-uh. You aren't going to get up, or I slip you some of my more... potent bacteria. I know you're worried about Blondie, but she's tough. She always survives, and she would tell you to stay put and heal before charging into danger again."

She was right. Keefe groaned at Ro's speech, then asked her carefully, "Can I at least have my sketchbooks? Drawing probably won't injure me, so I'm sure it's okay."

Ro looked contemplative for a second, then shrugged. "Sure. It seems like it will keep you out of trouble for a little while."

Keefe was really glad to get his sketchbooks back. He began drawing a panakes flower, remembering the sweet smell of the blossoms on the tree. Then, his vision wavered slightly, and a flower fell halfway onto his lap. A panakes. Where his sketch had been, there was now a blank space.

Ro looked surprised for a second, then called to Elwin. "Hey, looks like we know what Keefe's new ability is!" Elwin came rushing in, then froze when he saw the panakes blossom resting on Keefe's sketchbook.

"Did you... draw that?" Elwin asked slowly. Keefe nodded mutely, then pressed the flower gently. It sank into the paper, becoming a sketch again. Elwin jumped, then began checking Keefe for injuries.

He waved Elwin away, then told him, "Re-lax! It's just a new ability! Luckily, it seems to be pretty easy to control. It's probably based on intention."

To prove his theory, Keefe drew a quick doodle of Bullhorn, then pressed it. Nothing happened.

"See?" Keefe said. "I can draw objects or just, y'know, draw normally. Fun!" Elwin looked thoroughly unconvinced, but he let Keefe continue sketching in his notebook, sorting through his thoughts, trying to piece together what had happened and what he had learned with his previous memories of the Neverseen. 

Soon he would be able to get out of the healing center. Then, he'd help search for Foster. He had so many ideas for how to help find her, and for how he could use his power to tear his mom's dreams down.


Sophie stepped closer to the train barrier between platforms 9 and 10. Hefting her luggage into her hands, she stepped through the stone barrier. It had a not-unpleasant feel to it, which was just the thing to calm her nerves.

She stepped onto the train and claimed the nearest cabin. Hermione and Ron dumped their things there, then headed to the prefect cabin for briefing, leaving Harry there with her. He shifted nervously, and Sophie would have been amused at his anxiety, if she hadn't also felt nervous.

Smiling to reduce the tension, she asked him, "Nervous for school?"

He smiled a bit, then took his glasses off and began polishing them. "Is it that obvious?" he asked sheepishly.

She could practically feel the tension radiating off him, but she lied, "Nah. I'm just really perceptive."

She made a split second decision to tell him about her first time at Foxfire. "You know," she said, "I started Foxfire a year late and in the middle of the year. My first time there, I was surprised at the bigness of it. Rather intimidating, actually. You have friends, so things should be fine."

It sounded awkward to Sophie's ears, but Harry looked like he had been reassured by her comment, so she left it be.

"I wonder who the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will be this year?"

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