Chapter two || Sirius.

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There was a strange sense of dejavu overcoming him as he remembered the summer between his sixth and seventh year and Euphemia's horrified look as she took in his injured body.


He felt the strange sense of the network as he was thrown out into the office.

A wand pinned him to the wall. "What was the last thing I said to you?"

"Have patience." Sirius replied through gritted teeth. Dumbledore released him, doing the same to the others he arrived with, leaving him time search the office for whatever dire situation they were here for.

And froze.

His eyes widened as he took in the messy haired man sat at the desk and then the lady next to him, her dark red hair pulled away from the bright, green eyes that were staring right at him. 
"This is a cruel joke Dumbledore." He said into the silence, clenching his fist, glaring at the professor who nodded.

"I completely agree with you Mr Black. Which is why we need to work out whether these people are who they truly say they are." Sirius stared at him incredulously.

"Why not just kill them?"

"To get information from the enemy." Came the slimy voice of Severus Snape. He scowled towards it.

"But no one asked you did they? You slimy-"

"Mr Black!"

"Snape's here!"
They all fell silent and turned towards the pair down the stairs. A bitter taste entered his mouth as he felt a surge of anger.

"No one asked for your opinion either!" He spat, unsurprised to find Remus descending the stairs behind him, just as angry as him.
He turned back towards where Dumbledore stood calmly.
"If you don't kill them I will. I don't care if they could give us information."

"Padfoot, please just listen to us." Came the familiar voice. He could remember it from nearly every good memory he had, and that wasn't many.  

Sirius felt Remus freeze next to him as they both halted. He could hear the hiss of Minerva McGonagall's breath. Then he turned furiously towards the pair.
"How dare you! How dare you pretend to be them when they're dead. How dare you wear their faces and pretend to know us. You're as bad as Peter Pettigrew."
The one who looked like James exhaled slowly.

Remus gave a scoff and began to turn around where they were both pushed down by Dumbledore.

"We have reason to listen to them. Severus, veritaserum please."
He watched as they both drank it willingly, sitting up straight to answer their questions.

"Who are you?"

"James and Lily Potter."

He snorted incredulously, listening to them answer the questions. Answer the questions correctly.
"Now Mr Black, Mr Lupin, Minerva, it would be best if you asked your own questions, something that Mr Pettigrew does not know of course."
Sirius was daring to hope now. Daring to wonder if perhaps what they were saying was true. That they had 'woken' in the exact places they'd died. That they'd then gone straight to Hogwarts to find Dumbledore. That they were James and Lily Potter back from the dead.
It sounded ridiculous.

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