Albus didn't need to be a Leglimens to know he could easily lose you because of these circumstances. He could understand why you would want to work elsewhere but he really did need you in the potions department. Severus would be even busier with other things this year, and Sirius Black's escape had already triggered Severus unlike Albus had seen in years. 

"Besides Severus and I, you know more than anyone else in this school. You are a much-needed asset and I don't know what emotional state Severus will be in, his avid interest in Sirius Black has been...concerning." Albus paused, he could see by your distracted gaze that what he was saying wasn't working. "I'm not asking you to be a hero but I'm asking you to be here for Harry. In whatever capacity you can be." Albus knew that Harry was going to need all the support he could get and had planned out his new choice of staff with him in mind.

Good old, Albus. Pulling on the heartstrings of Harry's fellow orphan.

You had to concede. It worked.

"Fine. I'll stay. I'll teach potions but...Severus is yours to keep in line. Whatever state he is in."

Albus nodded and then saw you to the door. He stopped before opening it fully.

"Thank you," he said in his soft aged voice, "I don't know what happened but I appreciate your professionalism."

You didn't really know what to say, you weren't sure you would remain professional when you saw him but you had to trust that you would. Before you spoke, Albus' demeanour changed and for a moment you saw a flash of fear in the old Headmaster.

"Dementors," he whispered, a far off look in his eyes. "The Ministry is posting Dementors around the school." Albus quickly snapped out of himself and smiled. "Keep that one under your hat for me. I'll inform everyone when they're here."

Nodding in agreement you bid him good night and took yourself off to your quarters. Your cases were neatly stacked in the corner of the room and it had been cleaned ready for you; the candles were lit but it was still grey and depressing. It was like the Dementors were already there. The thought sent a shudder through your shoulders.

Taking your wand out of your pocket you opened your cases, the items began floating out from their spaces in there. The cushions landed lightly on the old sofa, not a speck of dust puffing up from it. Candles scattered back into their places and your blue fleece blanket covered the reading chair.

"A little better," you sighed as the small leather box levitated in front of you. Plucking it out of the air you held it tightly. "No more hiding you, baby girl."

You walked to your empty bedroom and placed the box on top of the chest of drawers, laying your hand on the top of it for a few quiet moments. Unpacking your bedroom cases didn't take long and before you knew it, it looked much the same as it did two months ago. Except for one thing.



The cold voice of his long-standing friend broke through the sound of rain that Severus had been concentrating on. He had been sat in the dark purple walled drawing room for some hours, he did not know how long for sure, but it was light when he went in and it was now dark.

"Before you get too drunk, are you packed for tomorrow?" Narcissa asked, passing him another glass of red wine and taking up the ornate black cushioned seat to his side. She pushed her blonde hair over her shoulders and settled herself, the marble fireplace burning its ceaseless fire in front of them.

"Always the mother, Narcissa," he replied, masking his displeasure at her continuous interruptions of his thoughts. 

 She simply scowled at him and regretted being thoughtful.  

In Memoriam (Sequel To Hope For The Hopeless. Severus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now